Come to think of it, my writing style haven't change much (I think). I'm still so childish and so happy go lucky even though most of my post were emo posts but hey, I AM an emo person so shoot me =P
So why am I here. Obviously because I am having the mood to type something, to share what I got to say and to erm, make you feel happy for me too?
I have to admit, emotions have been running high and low on fuel and when it's low, it really is low. After 4 weeks of movies, animes, manga and drama series, I finally am ready to take on the world!! Not.
I was just bored of the things I was doing and maybe there was nothing much left for me to watch or read hence I decided to start my elective report seriously and after 16 hours of typing, Googling and referencing, I finally finished my 25 pages long report. Nope, I did not copy and paste, all purely typed out from my mindless head. I did spent a good 6-7 hours the day before reading as much statistics to decide on which test to find the statistical significance for my data. It was more confusing and I needed help! I was | | this close to emailing my A Level statistic lecturer to ask for her help but the thought of disappointing her just put me off. Can I tell her 'Sorry but the knowledge you passed down to me is down the drain and I need your help now'? No way, I can picture her disappointed sad face and her thought process of 'what did I do wrong to afford this student.
Anyway, thanks to my awesome friends and Google, I finished my report 3 weeks ahead of the date line. How nerd am I? Well, nerd enough to watch 50 episodes of Naruto in a day to finish 500 episodes and nerd enough to sit and type for 16 hours straight (no lunch no dinner). Unfortunately, not nerd enough to lift up any medical books. I have a confession. The last time I read something medical was err, 3-4 months ago? Hey, I know I need to buck up and erm, I'll try =P
Another happy news to share- I got my first choice in location and department to work after I graduate.
Yup, licence to kill soon!! Can't wait =P
Not really. I actually want to be a student longer or should I rephrase and say that I am so used to be a student that I am afraid of the working life and the responsibilities that come with it. Nope, not going to quote Peter Parker's uncle at all. I am going to be so busy in the departments that I choose but hey, it was my first choice hence I'm sure I put in quite a lot of thought into it and hence, no regrets.
But, firstly, I need to pass my exam and graduate.
General election back at home is happening soon and I am SO NOT involved in it. If I were back home, I might be hyped up about it but since I am so far away, I don't really care. Not that I don't care bout my country but I just feel like I can't do much or contribute much for this GE. I am not flying home to vote to begin with and erm 'ashamed to admit this' I have not registered. AH, a contribution to the GE- no phantom vote under MY name =P
On another note, I feel so dumb and why in the world did I type so much crap? I blame it on report writing since I got to elaborate and elaborate and jeez, just stop typing. I think I should activate my speech recognition application and play around with it. I recalled shouting at my laptop because it doesn't understand me haha.
Right, enough babbling from mua.
Have a great day =)
Snow a month into Spring