Friday, July 19, 2013

English spoken by Malaysian

I have to admit that my English is not the best and I can never compare myself to my fellow colleagues here BUT what happened moments ago just did it. I can no longer suffer in silence. I have to rant...RANT!!

Malaysians start off school with kindergarten (some have the privilege to go to nursery/ Montessori prior to kindergarten) where everyone learns ABC, to read and to write in Malay and English. If you were to go to a Chinese kindergarten, you learn Mandarin as well; if you attend a Tamil kindergarden, similarly, you learn Tamil on top of the two basic languages. After that, you grow up (sometimes not applicable to everyone) and attend Primary school. Depends on which school (government or private), you still learn Malay, English +/- Chinese/ Tamil. You go through the same thing in secondary school and when you attend university/ college, depends on whether you attend a local university where Malay would be widely used or private university/ college, English would be the main language in lectures.


The story from the previous post continues.

My friend wants me to find her a shipping company and help her send the parcel back to her.


But why must I search one for you when you have internet and computers/ ipad/ laptops (she just got a brand new Macbook few days ago =.=) which you can use to search as well. I don't really mind looking up for her but what happens if the one I choose is not of her liking or something goes wrong in the middle of the shipping process and she blames me. No way man. I had enough of crap.

So I asked her instead to choose one and I'll do the rest from here. I'll call up for you, I'll arrange the pick up from my house for you and I'll do everything that I can to get rid of the parcel back to you. OK. maybe I'm being too harsh here but I am really annoyed.

Anyway, after much discussion, she finally decided to use the same delivery company because it's the cheapest. So be it. Gave them my contact and liaise with them. Then I needed to print this document which had instructions on it.

I just wanted to confirm the 2nd part of the instruction.
So do I paste the folded label on the parcel or just put it in a clear plastic bag then hand it to the driver as well or what? Why can't they write
'Fold one of each (what's wrong with using the word both) printed label at the dotted line and place ( it or both?) in a UPS Shipping Pouch. If you do not have a pouch (provide it then!), affix (paste/ stick) the folded label using clear plastic shipping tape (what the hell is a shipping tape?) over the entire label (is it difficult to add in words like 'onto the parcel'?). Hand one printed label to the driver (so if I put both in the pouch since you didn't mention anything about it, do I hand the pouch to the driver too? Oh wait, does that mean I need to affix the pouch on the parcel? What is going on here?!!!).'

So I emailed and texted the person who called me to arrange this delivery to confirm what is written on the instruction sheet and this Malay lady copied the number 2 instruction on her reply. I repeated the question again this time with simple terms:
'Do I stick one of the printed label on the parcel?'
Her reply was:' Print all the document I gave and stick on the box'
So do I stick both the documents on the box?

Fine, i'm just being picky and difficult now so I didn't bother replying and just did what I thought was correct.

ARGH.... why are people who can't speak and comprehend English working in the customer service?? What if an English speaking customer uses their service?
Oh the shame!!

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