In my small little opinion, friends are easy to get but hard to keep. There are 4 kinds of friends.
a. the hi bye and nothing more than that friends
b. the one that sticks to you when they feel u can bring them benefits
c. the one that only comes to you when they need you especially when they are down but forgets you when they are in cloud nine
d. the one that are really good, always tell their true feelings and are not afraid to hurt your feelings aka best / close friends
I've met all 4s. Sadly to say the one that I cant stand most is type c.
You spend all the time, effort and not forgetting money on them, trying so hard, persistently cheering them up, giving them advices and they turn their back on you when they feel they do not need you anymore.
Yes, if you are this type of friend, I rather say goodbye to you.
Lets do some Math, if I get more type a n d, cut down on type b n c, I'll be a happy person. End of story. Lol...
Honestly, type a is very very easy to get. Just go to school, you'll get a bunch of them especially when you wear a blue uniform. Don forget Friendster, Msn and stuff like that. This type of friends are fun to get and might give you that happy feeling because you'll be thinking~~ wah, I have so many friends(yours truly is guilty of this sometimes)^^
Type b, is a pain in the arse...since primary school, this is the type of friends I hate the most!!! They stick to you like glue if they think you are good in certain subject which might be handy for them. God knows what can I help them...its not like as if I can scrape my brain cells out and reproduce it in their brain...haiz...but luckily I never had the patience for them, usually I'll tell them off and stick to my own good friends.
Type c, the one that hurt me the most. Why? Because like what I wrote above, you spent all the precious time, effort, money and you get friends like that. Its not like I expect anything back, its just at least you know, say la thanks or show a little teeny weeny bit of appreciation. Anyway, a recent incident really make me wanna stop being the usual Jene, always there trying to help and comfort. But well, that wanna be a good friend Jene is always in my blood, could never get over it.
Type d, the hard to find but best to have friends. They are the one that will be there for you when you need them, they will kinda sense and know when you are down, they are the one that you find comfort in, the one that they can trust you with their deepest secrets and vice verse, the one that will support you, the one that will tell you off when you are too much, the one that will have a fight with you but will treat like nothing happen in few seconds, they are the best people on earth!!
Now, lets close our eyes...wait don't close just think hard....if you have trouble now, lets say you are stuck at home but need to rush to the hospital asap and there are no one in the house, neighbours are all out, which friend can you call?? (ambulance and relatives are out of the question) Can you think of at least 3 people to do it? That will do it willingly??
I've asked this question to my college friends after getting together for about 4 months. A friend of mine whose from Ipoh just say yes very quickly, and said I'm one of it. At that moment I thought she was weird because we haven even know each other for a year!! But one day, she proved herself right....hehehe...
I always wonder, what do you guys see in me?? What type of friend am I to you guys?? I love to ask friends about my weakness and what they do not like about here I am posting the same question...
Please do me a favour and tell me...please.....please....
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
ur a good fren lo. ur the person to look for when ppl need advice.(i guess that one i no need to say also proven already la..haha).
i dunno where u get ur "ilham" to give ppl advice but then its always good. eg tonight.
ur also very thoughtful.doesn't really want to hurt ppls feelings but when need to i know u can do it..hahaha...
u sometimes abit quiet la and keep to urself like jacq like anything wrong wont tell wan...must korek only u wanna tell..then u have a bit of lack in confidence.always say cannot la ballet also cannot FM cannot but then u really can...
there's really ntg i dont like about u..every person also different..ur not the one that i dislike more than i i like u more than ur dislike so its overshadowed...u get me??hahahaha....
anyways its just what i think currently..its only when we're in college only i get to know u better.last time in skul also hardly talk to yea...
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