Friday, September 17, 2010

anger management

Seriously, I think I need someone to slap me a book on anger management or send me to some of those class. The longer I stay here, the more cranky I become and the more easily I can get annoyed. Can someone just make next month April???

So it's been a long holiday and the good thing that comes out from this Raya break is WONDERFUL traffic. I can afford to leave house at 7.30 am and reach office before 8am!! Usually, I leave house at 7.15am latest and reached office 8.10am earliest!! How I wish this good traffic will remain until end of October. Besides, the office has never been this quiet and I'm loving it because I can study, read mangas, blog and facebook as long as I want because someone is always on leave and I don't need to worry about being caught doing all these stuff.

I have been spending time at Kinokuniya reading again 2 days ago (this week mom has been going home early so I didn't have the chance to start a new book) and within 2 hours, I finished this book called Divorced and Deadly by Josephine Cox.
This book is hilarious and I have been laughing my head off from the start of the book. I was sniggering at first and I think I even snorted while trying hard not to laugh out loud.

It's a book on a guy called Ben Bushkin (what a name) who just divorced because he claimed that he's too good looking and blaa bla bla to not attract any woman. Actually, he was caught pants down by his control freak wife. So he moved back with his parents and his mother is another nut job. Whose mother will lock and keep their 30something years old son when he plans to move out??

Anyway, I really enjoyed myself reading the book and the people who sat near me started smiling and 2 of them actually asked me if that book was really that funny LOL.

Yesterday went to Metro Prima and while my mother and my aunt spent time shopping for clothes, I went and indulge myself with another book- Dorothy Kroomson's The Ice Cream Girls
I managed to read till the 2nd part and realised that I won't have time to actually finish the book and Kinokuniya's The Ice Cream Girls still has the plastic wrapper on (I only read books that have no plastic wrapper) so I jumped to the last part and found out the truth. I know doing this is the worse offense an avid book reader can commit but I was desperate and I don't want to wait for weeks before I can go back to this Popular to continue the story!! Sorry.

Next, I wandered around and I found this book by Elizabeth Noble. I managed to read the 1st 38 pages when my mom called so I was forced to tear away from the book and went home. This book is about a mother who was dying and was planning her funerals with her daughters. I only got to the part where the girls wore their promised bright colour dresses to the funeral. The story has yet to pique my interest so I can survive without reading the rest of the book.

Now for

when will it be out?!!

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