Sunday, August 7, 2011

Facebook status

I am feeling so annoyed, so here I am releasing it before I say or do something stupid like hurt other people's feelings.

What do you make out of this facebook status:
'I am missing you darling'
When you hell know this person is single and has no partner. Dang, this status is so freaking pathetic.

Hey you, you don't need to go around posting all these nonsense statuses to attract freaking pitiful attention ok? Get a freaking life or blardy go seduce a guy to be your boyfriend or something. Dang, so freaking contemptible and worthless statement to get stupid attention.

Another thing that just piss me off is people who goes around telling others what they are doing or plan to do which are normal daily stuff, nothing special like:
'Oh, I'm going to wash my hair today'

Duh, as if you wash your hair like once in 100 years. Freaking just wash your blardy hair and stay out of facebook status will ya? We have better things to read.

Sometimes, these statuses just annoy the hell out of me and I wonder why in the world or what were they thinking when they post such useless stuff.

I don't know why when I saw that status, I just got so pissed off. I wanted to comment but I stopped myself and I did something more respectful, I FB chat and asked her why is she putting such status and the reply I got was 'for fun'. was at the tip of my nerve to start typing 'you know, it's so pathetic to see you posting all these nonsense irritating crappy status to prove that you have a miserable life. Oh wait, you DON'T have a freaking life. So my advice to you, take it or leave it, go get a life.'

Bitchy? You bet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

chill la Kak Jene! :)u can just hide the post from that person if u feel its irritating ..