Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Hey people (if there's still people reading this lol), it has been a long time since I had the mood to blog.

So, how am I?? Well, I have been busy watching movies and playing The Sims 2. Thanks to my beloved cousin for having movies in his external and thanks to Jon for giving me the game =)
[Jon, my sims died. Too short la their life span!!!]

So, renal system is starting next week and reproductive system is ending this week. Studies so far OK lar but somehow I still can't find that uumph and momentum I had last time. I need OK!!!!

Yesterday, I had my antenatal clinic rotation. Instead of going to MANTIN clinic, the van driver brought us to BANTING. Sounds similar hence the confusion. It took us 3 hours to reach Mantin instead of 40 minutes and when he found out that he was sending us to the wrong place, he sped and keep overtaking cars/buses/vans/trucks like as if we bought billion dollars worth of insurance. The ride was nerve wrecking and I sat behind the driver so I had a clear view of what's happening. I nearly died but still managed to catch 40 winks (I just can't help sleeping in a moving vehicle!!!)

We were supposed to reach at 8.30am but we reached at 10.30am so we missed what was planned for us in the morning such as the house visiting programme where we follow the nurse to the mothers (new or would-be) and check on them. Thankfully we managed to catch the nurse before the last house and met this new mother. (KL don't have such programme which I think should be implemented since the mothers can save time from waiting to see the doctor and can be examined in a place they are comfortable in.)

I read her details and found out that she's the same age as me!!!! I am not supposed to feel surprised since I have friends of my age who are mothers since ages ago but some how having her standing in front of me makes a huge impact. The husband looked terrible but in their wedding picture he looked fantastic!! Photoshop really saves the day LOL! We were shown how to check for neonatal jaundice and how to clean the umbilicus. Next we checked on the mother's uterus and asked some questions.

Everything was done by 11ish and Sister Joan came and briefed us and off we went back to IMU and I was HUNGRY!!!!!!! Met Jing and had lunch, went for PBL, lectures, gave Jon some movies that he wanted and had dinner twice. Once with parents and once with cousin and sister. Wanted to study a bit but end up lying on the bed with the notes covering my face dozing away.
What a day!!!

I am really thankful to have my cousin with us because I can really feel the brotherly love that I should be feeling and of course for the movies he has and the printer he brought along. He shares his deepest secrets with me and NOT vice verse which drives him nuts LOL!! Appreciate what he's doing and glad that I have a brotherly cousin =)

I'll be having my CSU session tomorrow and it'll gonna be breast examination. Gals who want to check for lumps in the breast please please do come and let me practice hehe. Guys are welcome too!!! =P


Just a few days back, I was reflecting on my character/ personality/ thoughts/ friends/ family/ relationships etc... and I realised quite a few things.
Words like used, lack, despair, responsibilities, commitments etc... really are a part and parcel of MY life and I got to accept it since I can't do anything with it. Sad right? Well, what to do??
LIFE MUST still GO ON =)
Thanks for reading and still keeping track with my baboonic blab. Really appreciate it
Extra gigantic hugs for you =)

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