It's been a week past my Psychiatry Block. Boy was I depressed when it ended.
After that horrific 1st week, things settled and I really really enjoyed myself and learned a lot. I did a mistake by telling one of my consultant that I....if you know me well enough, you'll know what I'm not saying here. Anyway, he took the effort to tell the whole team and since then, everyone in the team would start asking me 'I heard that you're interested in Psychiatry.'
Well, I was praised quite a few times and it just made my day (the other consultant gave me positive comments and even added, 'if you need a recommendation letter, come find me')!!!! and this same consultant asked me after seeing my handwriting- 'Do you ave OCPD?'
So I took the time reading up personality disorder and I realised that I might have OCPD!!
- OCPD is characterized by at least three of the following:
- feelings of excessive doubt and caution;
- preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization or schedule;
- perfectionism that interferes with task completion;
- excessive conscientiousness, scrupulousness, and undue preoccupation with productivity to the exclusion of pleasure and interpersonal relationships;
- excessive pedantry and adherence to social conventions;
- rigidity and stubbornness;
- unreasonable insistence by the individual that others submit exactly to his or her way of doing things, or unreasonable reluctance to allow others to do things;
- intrusion of insistent and unwelcome thoughts or impulses.
Read through and tell me what do you think. Agree that I have some sort of OCPD trait? (I'm not so much of number 7 though, toned down a lot.)
So how did I end my last day of Psych? A trip to Aviemore with one of my consultant!!! The whole 45min -1 hour journey, we were talking non stop. Fine, he was talking to me non stop after I feed him with my ideas/ questions/ understanding about stuff. It was so fun!!
One of the highlight of the journey was me asking
'Do you psychoanalyse your friends?'
and his answer was.....
'Oh you mean the women I date?'
(I was thinking to myself, do I want to go there??!!! It was just an innocent question of a daily life, NOT personal life!)
Anyway, he did spill the beans about the women he dated stuff!!!
One of the questions in the feedback form was 'how much time did you spend with your consultant?'
My friends answers were like 'a few times a week' while mine was 'almost everyday' LOL!!!! Well, you can't blame me since I was attached to 2 consultants while the others were attached to one!!!
Oh, remember from my last post that I was depressed and all the fun stuff? On Monday of my 2nd week of Psych, I talked to the Psych registrar and I totally felt better. Yup, I owned up the fact that I was lost and felt miserable and depressed since I came to this place. I guess it's either he psycho me or I felt better after confessing (shoo away the denial!) then I spoke to another registrar about it on the way home (he was kind enough to offer me a ride home, save my bus fare wheee) .
Wow, I know right??!! How in the world could I open up so easily? Maybe because I felt better and didn't think it was a big deal. I also told my consultant about my 'depression' during the long trip and he was like 'oh gosh, are you alright now?' Sweet~~ Hahahahaha....
In a nutshell, I really really like Psych and I miss it so much especially since I'm in the wards again and it's so different!! But after a week of cardiology, psych seems like a far away memory. A memory that I would cherish and treasure =)