Sunday, August 2, 2009

concert night

Well overall, they could have done way better but I guess butterflies in the stomach, mouth dry, panic and all the emotions in this category (sympathetic NS) just made them not perform their best.

There were a lot of out-of-tune, out-of-timing, squeaking from Clarinet section and things that a not-well-prepared band will commit. But since this is not MY band, this is the SCHOOL band, I'll just let all these not affect me. This year would be my last year helping out in such concert anyway.

I was the master of ceremony last night and it went smoothly for me. The previous concert, I was also the master of ceremony. Based on last concert, Jayne and I (we were both the emcee) was forgotten so I assumed it would be the same hence right after we ended the concert I went straight home.

When I was on the way home, messages started to flood in
"Jene, where are you??"
"Come take picture with me."

Opps, too bad. I'm already on my way home and after replying all the messages, I felt bad because hey, this is my last involvement in the concert too =(

So sorry guys, but thanks for remembering me =)

Highlight from last night
-Instead of the full band playing all night long, we had musical ensemble.
-We had juniors singing and dancing (boy, SOME of them just should not sing)
-Mr.Chong (my band tutor) danced as a cowboy along Jay Chou's "On The Run" [牛仔很忙]
-Mr.Chong sang Jay Chou's 菊花台 [Chrysanthemum Flower Bed], a song from Curse of the Golden Flower while the band was playing the same song LOL
-The whole band sang "You Are Not Alone", dedicating this song to the retiring seniors

Well, I enjoyed myself even though I was soaked wet (the hall was so hot and I was wearing long sleeves!!).

Anyway, Good Job band...I'll surely miss you guys =)

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