Thursday, March 3, 2011


What does it mean? Well, in my context, it means pain in the butt.

Warning: This is a post for me to complain bout my sister so if you may, skip this post.

She wakes up, bath for like hours, comb and tie her hair then have her breakfast. In the midst of chewing, she fills up her bottle then start dreaming in front of her cup of milk+ oat.

From her sequence of this routine, you know that she's a vein pot. Why can't she eat then tie her hair? No, MUST tie and comb hair first. Fine if you want to go that way but why do you do things SO SLOWLY!! Everything seems to zoom pass you but you are just being oblivious. I rather sleep then lift a finger to help you.

Maths, Chinese, Chemistry, Physics and what else, I don't care are weak but instead of finding solutions like going for tuition or asking friends to teach, you join this nonsense Sports Prefect Club and skip the whole first 5 periods of class to be on duty for 2 days per week, come home dead tired, sleep, go ballet then at night complain and start showing temper because you don't understand or don't know how to do.

Look, if you want to ask me how to teach you, you don't freaking come with your face as dark as Dark Vadarth and expect me to be nice to you. Basics and foundations are weak and so what do you do? Sleep and hope that it'll go away and such problems don't exist. Explain to you nicely, you show me your dang stupid face and say I don't know loudly, then when we go for dinner, you freaking show your blardy temper and eat as slow as possible then complain dinner takes up a lot of your time, duh with the way YOU eat. Hell, who can stand you?!

Ask you to give me your 1hour time per day to give you tuition but you can't because you're oh-so-busy. Screw you and I want to go far far away and see how you survive from far!

My bro, oh well, don't make me start.

I'll go play O2mania to chill now....