Thursday, October 30, 2008


3 more days to go and what I am doing now? Still chilling and have yet to get back my study momentum!!! I am so dead =(

Do you hear me? SO DEAD~~~ X_x

Anyway, my BELOVED mother came into my room, lied supinely on my bed, played her hand phone game that she has been addicted to and...and....AND....after about 10 minutes, she started snoring!!!

The sound of snoring
is nothing to me, I still can study with her sweet melodic rhythmical song, created with her uvula or the fats around her throat BUT her snoring makes me want to sleep!!!!! It was like a lullaby to me!!! OMG, it took me so many hours to just finish memorising the names of the drugs of cholinergic and adrenergic!!!! Thanks mom, thanks A LOt!!!!! Love you sooo much... >.<"'

So after she woke up, she saw me still siting there studying (aka dreaming or trying to remember what are the drug's name) and she said :" Wah Jene, you so hardworking!!!"
I told her (or said loudly) that I am so gonna fail this exam while she continued her game (still on my bed) and the next thing I know, she said:" Change course la if studying med is so hard"

WAH!!!!!!!! CANNOT!!!!!! And she blew it, she made me stood up, walk to the computer room and here I am blogging about it =(

I AM SO DEAD, SO GONNA FAIL!!!!!!!!! BUT I DON'T WANT TO CHANGE COURSE!!!! I LOVE THIS COURSE!!!!! But I don't like sitting for exam =(



Steven said...

haha, ur mother is so funny :D
anyway, chill a bit la, passing EOS is not really dat difficult..u should compare what u're doing 2 the effort i put in 4 mine :P

jene said...

My mother is not funny but becoming annoying..she's funny when she's in that mood but that mood seldom come around these days due to menopause LOL

Hello Steven, look who's at SEM3 and passed his EOS with flying colours? LOL

I often see you in the library studying too and yor exam is in 31st Dec!!! But mine is in 2 days =(