Saturday, August 28, 2010
Vampires Suck
I planned to watch this movie on Tuesday but postponed it because someone else wanted to watch too and we planned to watch it on Saturday. The next thing I know, we have another few friends joining and they postponed it to Sunday. Fine.
Later, news flash. One of them can't make it so left 3 of us. Saturday on?? I have no freaking idea. The 3rd girl who was supposed to join us didn't come for class this morning and she was not answering her call so everything was on hold. Now, I just got the message at FB that it's on Sunday and we'll be watching it at MV.
Great. After Thursday's 6.30pm trauma, I have the luxury to revisit the stupid KTM. I am just praying hard that the blardy KTM won't have to face any technical problem or canceling their train and be on time!! AND I hope that I can FINALLY watch the damn movie.
Remind me to watch movies in the future either alone or with mom. And maybe keep my mouth shut (except when around my mom) when I want to watch the movies.
Yup, I'm still a bottle of anger. A very big bottle.
Friday, August 27, 2010
1Malaysia....ain't gonna happen anytime soon
1Malaysia?? Nah, I don't think it'll work, EVER. When I think of 1Malaysia, I will have the idea of EVERY Malaysian with the spirit of muhibah and all those crap. BUT honestly, will EVERY Malaysian have such thoughts?? E.V.E.R.Y??
I never have any bad thoughts or anger against other races BUT ever since I "graduated" and step out from my house more often, I finally see the reason why 1Malaysia will never materialise. Ya, the government can continue making those pointless advertisement and campaign and the stuff they do EVERY TIME but nothing will work. Take the cigarette packet "horror" picture for example. Is it working?? If you don't know, let me give you a word- sensitisation. People adapt and get used to it and the whole point of the advertisement will go down the drain eventually.
I have been taking the KTM for the past 2.5 years, 6 or 7 times a week and at least twice a day and I NEVER have any ill thoughts against other passengers but recently, I take the train at least twice per week and I really REALLY hate the people around me. I just feel so angry all the time.
I sit in the car and watch other cars or pedestrians walking, I have this sick thought of banging them down. The urge is greatest when I see those motorcyclist, especially those that ride their motorcycle in zig-zag and our-oh-so-famous mat rempits. Be glad that I'm not driving.
Seriously, I think I am sick, mentally with all these anger bottled up in me. Worse, I'm releasing it to the people around me and I have no more patience in me which is vital in my future career.
Who to blame besides my psychotic mind?
1. Politicians- They CRAP a lot and create all the nonsense that I'm so disappointed in how our country is being governed. I am suddenly so glad that I'm leaving Malaysia (for good I hope).
Have you ever wonder where does the politicians/ ministers send their children to school?? I'm betting on private school, international school and oh ya, OVERSEAS. Why are the rakyat's children being encouraged to study at local schools/ universities when they happily send their kids offshore?? I wonder.
2. Newspapers- Have you read the recent newspaper. It's about
A. Headmaster asking the Chinese people to go back to China. Hello Mr.Educator, we were born in Malaysia and we have the same rights as you and your race or whatsoever to eat where ever we want. What's the deal? We don't serve pork when you guys are around because we respect and now because we need to respect that we can't eat in front of you? Why can't you come out with a better solution than asking us to go back to China like, get a classroom to let them eat in there?! And Ramadhan month is all about being holy and all and you giving out such statement is holy?? Oo, feel like swearing here!! By the way, of we were to go back to China, then you need to go back to Indonesia or wherever your ancestors were from. Study your history.
This HM was asked to transfer to another school. Is this the way to deal with such racist comment by an EDUCATOR?? Imagine if a Chinese or Indian stating such comment, I'm sure they'll be sent to ISA.
B. A muslim girl was forced and threatened with cane for not wearing tudung to school. The 2 disciplinary teachers even locked her up and even tell her to secretly wear the tudung in school (without telling her parents). What's their problem man??
C. There's suggestions that all vernacular schools be abolished. Wow, what a suggestion from pea-size brain people.
D. What were the kids thinking when they threw red paint at the surau?? Stupid kids. What is there to prove with that stupid act? It's a place to worship, not some place for you to swing some red paint around. Who to blame?? EDUCATORS (I'm not surprise since racist HM are around). Now, the parents need to come out and apologise for their kids wrong doing. Kids, can you please THINK before you do anything stupid?? Can you please think of the consequences and the aftermath before committing such low class act? Stupid!
E. Let's not start with the name callings and comments by the parliament people.
There's so much more and typing all these are just making me angrier. Jeez.
Did I mention that I seldom see Malay couples hugging each other/ holding each others waist and hand?? Since Ramadhan started, these people just popped out from no where and they hog the roads. Everywhere I go, I see them and they just LOVE to walk SLOWLY in front of me, touching/ rubbing each others butt when I need to walk faster or when I'm rushing. I thought they are supposed to abstain from all these "activities"? Where are the people in charge of them when you need them. Reminds me of the Chinese couple who were caught and charged in court for hugging each other.
There's more to type but I'm just getting so angry that I feel like destroying my computer.
With Merdeka around the corner, the usual patriotism is no where in me instead, I'm starting to hate the way this country is becoming.
Silence and being alone is bliss.
PS: I'm starting to get annoyed with the people around me. Got to control myself before I snap at them and hurt their feelings badly.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Expandable
Honestly, this movie made me yawn quite a few times and I think I passed the yawning syndrome to the big-sized ang moh sitting beside me or maybe the movie was not that good.
Anyway, I don't get the plot and the characters. Didn't feel excited or anything. No hunky bodies to look at and the list can go on. But a few things I would like to highlight here.
1. Sylvester Stallone looks weird. It's either too much foundation on his face or something went wrong with his makeup. And all the veins protruding out beneath his epidermis is so scary!
2. When they slash the "bad guys", I can't help but notice that those "bad guys" have no bones. When they slash the hands or heads, no white stuff in between. It's just red red red all over. Hmm...
3. Bruce Willis was even weirder. My brain just could not process the moment he start saying those "F" words. Ooohhh, those "F" words scenes were as bad as Tropic Thunder.
4. Jason Statham was not that fantastic here. I love his Transporter because that movie featured him to be cool, steady, professional and ethical but here, well, everything went down the drain.
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared for a few minutes and love the joke
Bruce Willis: What's his problem?
Sly Stallone: He wants to be the president.
LOL~~ Don't get it?? It's OK, worth the miss anyway =P
6. I don't understand the relation between cigarette, men and women. WHY must the guys torture the girls by burning their epidermis layer or even dermis layer with a lighted up cigarette. Jeez...
Like I say, the list can go on and on and on but there's something to look forward too if you plan to watch it.
1. There's the bomb
2. There's the fight between Jet Li and Dolph Lundgren
3. There's the gun
4. There's no obnoxious kissing scenes (imagine Sly Stallone kissing that young woman..eeuuww)
5. There's Mickey Rourke if you dig him (I don't get his emotional scenes)
6. Steve Austin maybe?? I mean the fight between Steve and Sly??
7. Hmm...what else?? Well, old big stars getting together making a movie??
Oh by the way,
Before I went for the movie aka waiting for the mother, I went to Kinokuniya and saw the books I want yet I don't have the cash to get them =(
Saturday, August 14, 2010
New Friend
The friends I have usually are from playground/ kindergarten/ school/ college/ university/ clubs/ ballet/ band. Come to think of it, all the people I know share some common interest as me in some ways.
2 weeks back I got to know another temporary staff from another department who was cool looking (especially the hair..drools), funny and (the most important) we clique very very well. That person don't have much to do so always call me and chat nonsense stuff while I am busy with my work. It's my weakness for entertaining these type of calls even though I am really busy.
Anyhow, that person's last day was Thursday and we send that person off with a bang. OK, not exactly a bang but we actually sent that fellow off. Friday's lunch was all about that person. We miss the trademark I-don't-give-a-damn laughter and that fellow has the nerves to actually sms and ask how's lunch and to state how free and easy that fellow is now!!
We aren't studying anything that is related. I don't think interest in band or ballet is something we share but somehow we just clique. We talked a lot and always exchanging sweets LOL!! By mid September, this fellow is flying off to London for Hertfordshire University.
Best of luck!! Missing you already =(
Thursday, August 12, 2010
KTM again =.=
On Monday, I took the KTM home after my SL class and I waited for blardy 45 minutes!! Honestly, it's a waste of my precious time but thank goodness I had a book to read so I was not that pissed until I realised my mom was not picking up the phone which means I need to WALK HOME at 11pm!!
Yesterday, I ttok the KTM back again and this time I waited for almost 1 hour. I have no idea what's going on with KTM but this is really bad. If it was the peak hour, I would understand the congestions and all the technical problems BUT it was 10pm!! No congestions and I don't think there would be unannounced technical problem right?
Anyway, I was reading and I didn't realise 1 hour had passed until I looked at my watch and O.O!!
Some people are really sampah and rude and brainless. I wonder what's the problem with queing up and boarding the train after allowing people to step out FIRST. Anyway, I was pushed by this lady and she quickly took the nearest seat which was the seat I was going to lay my butt on but Nooo, she pushed me aside AGAIN and dump her huge ass down on the seat. Grr.
Suddenly, there was this Indian girl who was initially sitting, stood up and started shouting at this black guy. She shouted "stand up!!" and the black guy ignored her and played with his phone so she repeated herself quite a few times and she got louder. So after minutes of shouting she changed her words to "STAND UP NOW!!".
Everyone has their limit and I guess that guy reached his so he asked her "what's your problem?" That Indian girl continued shouting "SHUT UP AND STAND UP NOW. I WANT TO SIT AT YOUR PLACE." So they both shouted at each other and eventually the F word came out both tried to drowed each other's voice.
At the next station, she threatened him that she'll call the police so at that station, she went out and looked for the KTM staff who guards the ladies coach but there was no one around so she contined her "SHUT UP AND STAND UP NOW. I WANT TO SIT AT YOUR PLACE" mantra.
Another Indian guy who just came in tried to talk things out and I felt that he was siding that Indian girl too because in my opinion, she was RACIST. There were 2 other guys siting near them and she shouted at him only. What's her problem?
Eventually the black guy stood up angrily and told the Indian guy off that she was being impolite in the first place (which I totally agreed). So he stood and glared at her the whole journey. And the train was peaceful and quiet again.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
45 minutes later, we went back to Chilies and the guy told us to wait for another 45 minutes!! I was pissed.
We end up eating at T.G.I.F (at The Gardens) and the food S.U.C.K!! I ordered the Southwest Mac & Cheese and it was so dry and just so sucky and yucky and every vocabulary that means disgusting. It was supposed to be (quote from their menu) A juicy fire-grilled chicken breast served with our creamy Monterey Jack jalapeno macaroni and cheese, then finished with shredded Parmesan cheese and diced red peppers.
It was neither juicy or creamy and it was so disappointing. Oh ya, and the portion was TINY!! So second-rated and so sub-standard. Tsk tsk tsk.
Jon had Sizzling Chicken Fajitas which he said was not as good as Chilies.
The only thing that made it OK in the end was the Brownie Obsession.
After that meal, we spent a lot of time looking at body gel LOL!! I use soap and I don't pamper myself with all the confusing body shower stuff (typing this reminds me of Hannah Montana's dad's obsession for hair stuff) but since Jon was on his search for his body gel, I decided to look around and I finally decided to try
Well, I googled about it and got a review that says:
"I took this lovely bottle home to try out what it was like. I squeezed a pea sized amount of product onto the palms on my hand and started rubbing it on my arms. Immediately my facial expression turned into a grimace....It's icky! It's slimey! It's gross! I do not know if you were the kind of child that used to collect frogs and play with them in the backyard. But this is what it feels like. A slimey frog.
I rubbed the product over my body a bit longer, hoping to get the exfoiliating effect that was promised by the bottle. I could barely feel the effect of the white clay. I do not know about you, but when I buy an exfoliating scrub, I expect to feel a certain kind of coarseness to the grains in the bottle. The kind of coarseness that makes you feel like you are removing dead skin cells of your body. The kind of coarseness that works so well that your body is a healthy rose colour when you leave the shower. None of these expectations were fulfilled here.
All that was left for me to do, is to try and remove the slimy feeling from my skin. I had to rinse quite thoroughly to do so.After the shower I did not feel refreshed at all. My skin did not feel "soft, smooth and ful of vitality", contrary to what is promised on the back of the bottle. The gel did not make me feel clean and sparkly. I might as well not have used any shower gel at all. The only plus side I could possibly see is the smell of this product. If you do not like lingering shower gels, you will like this product. It hardly scents your skin at all and evaporates quite quickly.
I suppose the other plus side is that me and my partner have been sharing this gel for 2 weeks now, and we are not even halfway down the bottle. Whether this is because he is using something more pleasant (which I am doing) or whether it is really a longlasting product, is debattable.Would I recommend it... hmmmmm...
... Bottle of slime, anyone?"But I read another few reviews and most of them went like this:
This really is my favourite shower gel so I just had to review it.
There are two reasons I love this stuff....
Firstly the smell; it smells so fresh and clean and lingers on your skin all day you simply couldn't fail to like this smell. This is my main reason for liking it as after all we want to smell great when we emerge from the shower don't we?! I''ve even had people remark to me how nice I smell when I've used this!
Secondly the fact that it is exfoliating. I like all things exfoliating and this is one of the best. It contains bits of pumice, just tiny bits and just enough to mean that you can use this shower gel daily (unlike some more abrasive exfoliators which you would normally only use once or twice a week). It really makes my skin feel smoother and softer.
It also contains white clay which is meant to be good for cleansing your skin.
At around £1.50 or so (often less when special offers are on - Tesco are currently selling it for £1!!) I think it's more than worth the cost. In fact personally I would be willing to pay more for this product.......when compared with the price of some 'Sanctuary Spa' products from Boots this is an absolute bargain.
Totally different. Hmm, let me try and I'll see how does it feels. I hope it's not like what the 1st review said--slimey like a frog. Yuck!!
PS: Got all the pictures from google
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Marche with Tham
Marche means market place so the concept was somewhat like buffet with food stalls all over except you pay for what you order instead of paying a sum for all-you-can-eat. Anyway, when you enter, they give you a Marche passport which looks like this.
So you walk around and order what you want and you let them stamp the passport.
The stalls look like this.
I walked around and like usual couldn't decide on what to eat because I feel like eating everything they can offer and the environment was so buffet like (if I didn't stop myself, I might have my passport stamped full and have no "ka-ching" to pay!!) so I ended up trying the Swiss Rosti which looks like this.
We continued talking at
Tomorrow, going for Chilies with Jon and might catch Despicable Me!! Yeah!!
Oh by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JON tomorrow hehe!!!
Passed by Bubba Gump and felt like watching Forest Gump so I'll stop blogging and watch it now hehe =)
PS: Got all the pictures from google
Friday, August 6, 2010
Self Initiative
Anyway, my point with self initiative is whatever you feel can be changed. It's all about whether you want to take the initiative to change it. Don't give me the crap that it can't be changed or anything that goes with that line. When I thought sign language class was bored, I took the first step to make it interesting by always volunteering myself to be the first to step out and sign to the class. Now since work is boring, I shall change it to make it interesting.
To you out there, go ahead and have courage to change things to suit your way. Good luck =)
Went back Uni on Thursday and met up with Jon and Yue Kin. Funny people but I had fun.
Going to Marche with Tham tomorrow and Chilies with Jon on Sunday. Whee..FOOD!!!
PS: I was so busy that I really did forgot to call uni to confirm my attendance for the convocation LOL!!
Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
woah woaaah.
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all
It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now
Ooo, baby, I need you now
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now Lyrics
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Sorcerer's Apprentice
This books is about a guy who is searching for his lost his sister and now his stepsister is lost too. A dectective saw a picture of a girl getting raped taken by his brother and later it revealed that the girl in the picture is the guy's sister and so they went on a journey to search for his stepsister.
Interesting? Let me find out and I'll tell you =)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
1. Atmosphere of the cinema was bad as there were kids shouting , standing up and counting those who were watching the movie
2. I was tired
3. It was my second time watching it and the plot was still fresh in my mind
Anyway, I've come to a decision of
never watch the same movie twice in a cinema within the same month
Graduation Day for my batch and other batches from other courses falls on 21.08.2010 and I don't feel like going but my dad told me "if I can't go for your graduation at University of XX, at least I can attend this" thus making me feel bad since I don't plan to go. Anyway, I got to reply to IMU before 6.08.2010 to confirm my attendance. ARGH!!
I think I'm depressed working here. Got my salary yesterday and it was only for the 1st 11 days. So demotivating to see the amount on the pay cheque. Anyway, I'm saying that I'm feeling a little down working here because weeks ago when I climb the stairs, I'm filled with energy but recently when I climb the stairs I feel so weak and so lazy and I just felt like sitting at the stairway and not go back into the office. I wonder if I can last till end of October.
I've come to realise that working actually sucks the energy out of me big time. Not to brag but I usually can sit in the library for 10 or more hours and not feel tired even with just barely 4 to 5 hours sleep daily. But now waking up is so difficult and by 10pm or 11pm, I'll feel so dead tired that I just want to close my eyes and doze away irregardless of where I am. I really hate working here.
Yesterday when I was telling my mom how people in the 9th floor have been calling me the "D" word I hate the most (for now), she asked me if it's because of the staff that wanted to introduce her nephew to me (no by the way) and guess what did she say next.
We were in the car and I was sitting behind her with O.O"' face.