Friday, August 27, 2010

1Malaysia....ain't gonna happen anytime soon

I don't know why but I'm just so angry with everything around me and my anger gets worse after I read the newspapers.

1Malaysia?? Nah, I don't think it'll work, EVER. When I think of 1Malaysia, I will have the idea of EVERY Malaysian with the spirit of muhibah and all those crap. BUT honestly, will EVERY Malaysian have such thoughts?? E.V.E.R.Y??

I never have any bad thoughts or anger against other races BUT ever since I "graduated" and step out from my house more often, I finally see the reason why 1Malaysia will never materialise. Ya, the government can continue making those pointless advertisement and campaign and the stuff they do EVERY TIME but nothing will work. Take the cigarette packet "horror" picture for example. Is it working?? If you don't know, let me give you a word- sensitisation. People adapt and get used to it and the whole point of the advertisement will go down the drain eventually.

I have been taking the KTM for the past 2.5 years, 6 or 7 times a week and at least twice a day and I NEVER have any ill thoughts against other passengers but recently, I take the train at least twice per week and I really REALLY hate the people around me. I just feel so angry all the time.
I sit in the car and watch other cars or pedestrians walking, I have this sick thought of banging them down. The urge is greatest when I see those motorcyclist, especially those that ride their motorcycle in zig-zag and our-oh-so-famous mat rempits. Be glad that I'm not driving.
Seriously, I think I am sick, mentally with all these anger bottled up in me. Worse, I'm releasing it to the people around me and I have no more patience in me which is vital in my future career.

Who to blame besides my psychotic mind?
1. Politicians- They CRAP a lot and create all the nonsense that I'm so disappointed in how our country is being governed. I am suddenly so glad that I'm leaving Malaysia (for good I hope).
Have you ever wonder where does the politicians/ ministers send their children to school?? I'm betting on private school, international school and oh ya, OVERSEAS. Why are the rakyat's children being encouraged to study at local schools/ universities when they happily send their kids offshore?? I wonder.

2. Newspapers- Have you read the recent newspaper. It's about
A. Headmaster asking the Chinese people to go back to China. Hello Mr.Educator, we were born in Malaysia and we have the same rights as you and your race or whatsoever to eat where ever we want. What's the deal? We don't serve pork when you guys are around because we respect and now because we need to respect that we can't eat in front of you? Why can't you come out with a better solution than asking us to go back to China like, get a classroom to let them eat in there?! And Ramadhan month is all about being holy and all and you giving out such statement is holy?? Oo, feel like swearing here!! By the way, of we were to go back to China, then you need to go back to Indonesia or wherever your ancestors were from. Study your history.

This HM was asked to transfer to another school. Is this the way to deal with such racist comment by an EDUCATOR?? Imagine if a Chinese or Indian stating such comment, I'm sure they'll be sent to ISA.

B. A muslim girl was forced and threatened with cane for not wearing tudung to school. The 2 disciplinary teachers even locked her up and even tell her to secretly wear the tudung in school (without telling her parents). What's their problem man??

C. There's suggestions that all vernacular schools be abolished. Wow, what a suggestion from pea-size brain people.

D. What were the kids thinking when they threw red paint at the surau?? Stupid kids. What is there to prove with that stupid act? It's a place to worship, not some place for you to swing some red paint around. Who to blame?? EDUCATORS (I'm not surprise since racist HM are around). Now, the parents need to come out and apologise for their kids wrong doing. Kids, can you please THINK before you do anything stupid?? Can you please think of the consequences and the aftermath before committing such low class act? Stupid!

E. Let's not start with the name callings and comments by the parliament people.

There's so much more and typing all these are just making me angrier. Jeez.

Did I mention that I seldom see Malay couples hugging each other/ holding each others waist and hand?? Since Ramadhan started, these people just popped out from no where and they hog the roads. Everywhere I go, I see them and they just LOVE to walk SLOWLY in front of me, touching/ rubbing each others butt when I need to walk faster or when I'm rushing. I thought they are supposed to abstain from all these "activities"? Where are the people in charge of them when you need them. Reminds me of the Chinese couple who were caught and charged in court for hugging each other.

There's more to type but I'm just getting so angry that I feel like destroying my computer.

With Merdeka around the corner, the usual patriotism is no where in me instead, I'm starting to hate the way this country is becoming.


Just feel like lying on the beach with no one around me.
Silence and being alone is bliss.

Since young, I was afraid of being alone. Wherever I go or do, I need to have someone with me. I rather go hungry then to sit alone and eat alone like some dungu. But now, after started uni I prefer bring alone. I like being alone. I enjoy being alone and sometimes even am happy to be alone. Of course, alone doesn't mean lonely.

PS: I'm starting to get annoyed with the people around me. Got to control myself before I snap at them and hurt their feelings badly.

1 comment:

遥望天狼星的我 said...

TOTALLY AGREED with u!!! keep nodding my head whn i go tru words by words~ sigh~