The train reached and it was sardine packed!! Squeeze our way in it and I thought that was the worst part but NO, squeezing out was way horrible. The people actually just push and push IN and we push and push OUT. So, who won?? I was very thankful that I managed to squeeze my way out. There was this little gal who was crying coz she was really squashed. So pitiful. Reached Stadium Merdeka by 6.30pm. Waited and waited and waited til 9pm only the programme started. Blame the VIPs....
While waiting, all of us a.k.a the audience actually did the wave to entertained ourselves. Sat near a family of japanese and they reached way earlier than us...(hehe)and they left way earlier than us maybe because the speeches were long, boring and they don't understand Bm.
Anyway, why did I go?? because a mass band was gonna perform. Mass band= few school band members from Selangor and KL combined to perform 2 songs and a big formation. About 500 students were involved. Honestly, it was kinda a let down. I was expecting more but end up a little disappointed, especially after waiting for so long with the sweaty, sticky, hot and uncomfortable feeling.
With people from other races sitting together, cheering and shouting Merdeka! was a way to promote unity but I wonder when will the bad habit of maintaning 'malaysian time" will end. Really, it is frustrating because the performance and all was supposed to start at 8.30pm!! wasted so much time waiting for them and now those patriotic songs are stucked in my head....
After the mass band performance, we went to the back stage and look at them. Was actually looking for someone else too. But in the end we became...the "tour guide" to lead them out from the back stage. We met a CH school band's tutor and he's my tutor's friend and he knows us. So when we said hi, he gave us this job. hahaha.....Anyway, went home and suddenly felt like playing with the camera. Ok, for those who hasn't had the chance to see me, here is your For those who sees me almost everyday, you may skip this
half of me...
can see me???
i'm deaf n
the new Phantom of the nose and eyes and ears but has a smile...
1st time taking pic using mirror
looks weird.....hehehe....
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