My exam is this coming Friday and I am sooo ready for it. Honestly, I was too desensitized by the seniors few weeks ago until I lost the feeling of sitting for the exam. Maybe you say because I am ready for it, but I say I am not ready for it and I am.....I don't know what I am feeling. I just don't really feel like studying for the exam, but I feel like studying out of fun and out of fun means reading through without memorising. Which is a big No No!!!
By the way, I was sort of proud of myself moments ago because I took Further Maths. YA, FM IS DIFFICULT!!! hahaha, not really if you actually grasps the essence of each paper. This whole week we had medical statistic class, having to relearn about sample, population and a few new things like cohort study and stuff like that. Basically our scenario goes around Diabetes Mellitus patient and blood glucose level or hypertensive pregnant women with low weight babies and stuff like that. We got to do hypothesis testing and all the chi square, t-test and I totally forgot bout how to get SD and all. Luckily we need not compute but just need to analyse.
Anyway, like what I typed- "moments ago" we had workshop because this week we do not have PBL. This workshop was about the statistic class and we got to answer some questions that were posted in the lecture notes. Me being the usual good gal did the homework/assignment (sounds pro a bit) knew what was going on while the others who has been busy studying for exam and ignored the assignments were blur.
Why proud? Because most of my answers were correct and batch mates in that class were...blur. What is the population? Err, the people in the hospital? Err, the patients in the hospital? Me-the Diabetic patients in Malaysia? What is your sampling process? Err...err... the list of people who participated in the study? (Lec- who participated) Err, the patients? (Lec-so how you take them as your sample?) Err, you ask them to join your study? (Lec-.......-.-"') Me- You get the list of diabetic patients in the hospital, either choose them randomly or choose them systematically like picking every 3rd person on the list. Yup, I was so proud and so quiet. I have the answers but I did not dare to tell the answer so I was jolly in vitro but not verbally jolly. Crap, what England am I saying??
Ya, since the day I realised that exam is only from 9am till 11am, I totally have been planning in my head where to go and what to do. I am going to Mid Vally (the only place I can go by train) then watch a movie and have different brands of ice cream for lunch and dinner. Yes, I am serious. But doing all these all alone is so sad. Usually I will skip meals when I am out alone, stay at some place and stick to it until I have company or don't even go anywhere. But now, after coming to this uni, I got used to be alone so I guess going out enjoying myself all alone doesn't really matter anymore. BUT, IF YOU WANNA JOIN ME PLEASE DO SO!!!
Here I am blogging while some of my friends are studying so hard. Here I am in front of the computer browsing through facebook while some of my friends are busy completing the AIR topic. I am so screwed...will I even pass if I continue with this stupid idiotic foolish slacking attitude?? Exam in 2 more days and I forgot most of the things I had revised. What mosquito head I have..Grr...and the library is soooo cold!!! Hehehe, but i found a temporary way to keep my hand from turning numb--go to the 4th floor's bathroom and put my hands under the"hot- air- blowing- to- dry- wet- hand- machine". Hahahaha
Some of the bookmarks sold, the one I was proud of weeks ago (the one I made and was sold for RM5 instead of RM3) LOL
8 months ago
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