Yesterday, I had my mock OSCE. I forgot what OSCE stands for but the exam is going to be me examining or talking to patients. Anyway, yesterday's mock was on history taking where I'll ask the sp questions and get as much info as possible within 5 minutes then go to the next room to fill up the question paper.
Since it was just a mock, we were paired up and there was only 4 histories to take. The 1st to go was Jing, my partner and we were supposed to ask the history of presenting illness and family history but Jing spent the whole 5 minutes on the 1st part and missed family history hence when we answered the questions at the next room, we could not answer any family related questions =P
Next was my turn and I were to ask personal details, history of presenting complain, systemic review and past medical history. 4 components to ask!!!! So I know time is VERY VERY precious hence I asked asap and the feedback from the sp was I was ok but forgot to ask about her menses =P
The 3rd station for us was the best because we got nancy, a sp that is VERY VERY good in her acting. I am serious. The 1st sp I got in sem 1 was her and that time she was acting that she has fever and flu and she really REALLY do look like she has fever and flu..all the nose blowing and sniffing. Anyway, her character was a 16 year old gal that has anemia and misses her dad who has been away for 3 months. It was Jing's turn and Nancy was her 1st time so she was distracted or wow-ed by her acting skills that she paused quite a lot of times LOL
The last station was a 40 something year old Chinese guy who has the role of a 15 years old school boy who hurt his knee and the knee is swollen. I tried to put myself in his shoes and talk to him like I talk to my 15 year old juniors and the feedback I got was--GOOD!!! Hahaha...
Now, the next OSCE exam would be on physical examination which I'll suck so badly....haih..
Yesterday was really a very very BUSY time to study =(
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago