Yesterday I had a real bad day. Ballet teacher postponed ballet class to half an hour later but she reached ballet school half an hour late so I wasted my 1 hour at ballet school. Rushed to KTM and the blaaardy KTM announced that the train will be late for more than half an hour!!! I was gonna be late for class so I called my mother to fetch me to the LRT station at PWTC. The moment I stepped out from the station to the car park, the blaaaaardy train arrived and passed by. I was so pissed!!!
While walking down the stairs towards my mother's car, I think I sprained my ankle. Rushed to the LRT station and was still late for class thanks to the traffic jam. Was in a bad mood in class and after class, I had bad migraine again.
I decided to go home earlier and guess what a junior told me...someone got robbed at 6.45pm near the car park. Got scared but still went home and slept.
Came to uni this morning and went for blood bank visit. It was fun and I did learned stuff and surprisingly I was interested enough to ask questions. Next, went to the First Aid Club welcoming party and was told by the admin that a second robbery took place this morning.
hence, within 24 hours, 2 robberies took place. Last night was at the car park, 2 sem 4 gals went to the car park and met 2 Indian robbers and hence lost their laptops, happened at 6.45 to 7pm. This morning at 6.30am, a sem 5 pharmacy student came early to beat the jam because she's having her major exam aka EOS5, parked her car outside Vista C and her car got hijacked by 4 Malay guys. She don't know how but the 4 guys just entered her car (she was sure her car doors were locked) and make her get down from her car. Apparently one of the case involved guns.
Ya I know, it's now obviously dangerous for me to go home aka walk to LRT station at night alone and you'll expect me to go home earlier...BUT....well....erm....
I don't know if I'm lucky or unlucky to not meet some type of people that exist in this world. The type of people I mean are those that (a) back stab friends and (b) those that are evil. The evil one..let me tell you the story....
EOS 2 was around the corner and J panic because she has not been studying consistently hence she asked a senior to help her. The senior decided to pass her questions he made so that she'll learn up all the important things. The senior went to J's apartment to pass her the questions but she was not around so he passed it to her housemate, L. L kept and and did not pass the questions to J until when the senior asked J how's her progression which was weeks after that. When confronted L, L keep denying she has it but after about 5 minutes she went "Oooo..ya, I forgot to pass it to you." These people are evil!!!!!!!! (J failed BTW)
Another type of people I found in this uni are (c) those that make you feel stupid. You have been feeling dumb enough for not been able to remember stuff so when you ask this type of people, they'll go"Hoiyoh, why you don't know?? It's!!! How come you don't know one??!!" (with that you-are-stupid tone). When you admit you forget, they'll laugh at you.
There's this one type that I still can stand which are (d) those that copy notes from you, ask you questions and get information from you but NEVER SHARE. This type I've known a few and have been avoiding them so I'll just continue to avoid.
I don't know how long I can survive in this "society" but hopefully (crossing my fingers and praying hard) that I wont meet such people in the future.
Will I pass EOS 3 or should I say, can I survive medical school?
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
U stay up late everyday? must be careful if u taking train. need bodyguard? See if i have to stay back i can accompany you
wah... evil ppl are just all around us. i thought of the variety night performance, ppl with mask
Evil ppl will pay someday. May not be today, nor tomorrow. But, I'll do my best to never be like them.
[anson] ya, almost everyday. OWH...bodyguard?? hehehe, sure can but I stay till quite late le =)
Ya, the mask performance was so true!!!
[tay] you aint like that so don't need to try =)
I hv to try not to be a b c d oso ><
Be careful when going LRT... if u stay till 7pm I can intro u to my friends who takes LRT then u all can go home together in their LRT group hhahaha... safer...
Even us boys go home in groups of 3-4 now...
Teddy...don't're not even in my mind when I wrote the blog, so don't worry ok??
It is scary but I usually go home by 8ish...I might consider going home earlier, depends on how's my progression in studies =)
but thanks a lot ya =)
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