Sunday, April 12, 2009

David A's showcase

--Sister went crazy and keep chanting that she wants to go see David Archuleta--

--Brother went and met up some 8tv friends and managed to get her the tickets--

--Sister was so happy--

--On Saturday, sister did not go--

--Tickets got wasted--


Because she has school and ballet at night


I give you permission to kill her and don't ask me why I didn't go (because you know I am not a fan) =P

PS: I can't see the puppy anywhere already. Hopefully that family send him to a proper place...oh please!!! Scared that they'll send him to his death ='(


Anonymous said...

your sis is real swt la =.=
i hven't heard of a person who'd put school n other things ahead of a concert!

jene said...

you would when you stupid school has a demerit system and you're getting as kiasu as your sister =P

Besides, her ballet exam is this coming Thursday hence the ballet class at night is a not to be

jene said...
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