Yup, I had my 1st sex education in the library and it's not one of the uni's programme.
The person who gave me the "exposure" was "miss Ya Ba". We were talking about who's having sex in our batch and so happened WD had his laptop in the glass room with us so she went to the website her BF sent her--a website showing about billions of sex position with animation.
WD and I was....ok....but it was purely for education purpose. Next, she became braver so she went to a porn site (she was quite weary that someone might catch us LOL) but that was it. We did not watch any videos so my exposure to porn was so close yet never happened. The web page has lots of videos to click (something like youtube) and the pictures were a little "exposing".
After explaining to me (WD just listen and smiled) the essential stuff, we went and searched about pap smear and this time, we gave WD the exposure. Gosh, I did not know that pap smear would be painful because the epithelium of the cervix will be "swab" aka scrap off for tests. According to her, if we are still virgin it'll be very VERY painful so I guess I wont have the chance to go for pap smear test?? LOL
What made her rejected her bf's request to have sex was a porn video where a gal was forced to"sit on the guy" for penetration and Ya Ba was very sure that the gal was still a virgin because the moment the guy forced the penetration, lots of blood flow out and the guy's was covered with blood. When Ya ba told us this story, I can see her face changed like she saw something real disgusting. Hmm....
I still don't know how does a porn video is like. Is it a movie? With storyline?? Or just pure acting??? Or what? Gosh, I don't know why even though I have full access to this computer when the hogger is not around, I never thought of searching for porn and try to watch. LOL...
OK, enough about porn....back to Esther's question just now at uni....
"Will you prefer a partner/couple/your bf/your gf from the same uni, same course??"
WD-No because cannot concentrate in studies, will meet everyday (so sien wor..LOL) and got to teach her when she don't know how to do her assignments or reports.
Hahaha, guys....in my opinion....if you really fall for a guy/gal, you don't really have a choice right?? What you want is to be with that person and live happily ever after right??
BUT my real thought is.....whatever because I don't plan to have one =P
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
OMG. What the hell??? What kind of porn did she watch? It's sick. I can assure you, not all porn videos are like that. If she needs good quality ones (in terms of picture, not plot), all she has to do is to ask around. It's too hard.
Googling might help.
*It's not too hard.
erm...usually all the porn she watches are from her bf...LOL
how r u ah??
get one partner from Monash la. haha
I alrd have a partner XD
don't need to be at Monash right??
See, he's here...this is my hubby =P
wat the fish happened 2 ur chatterbox?n ur songs?anywayz pap smear doesn realli hurt ...its jus kinda uncomfortable...and.. stings mayb a bit...tats all...had 1 after i gav birth 2 an-son
Jo, donno y explorer don support my player and chaybox and stuff..go use firewall =)
Oh..sting = painful? hey, how r u ah?
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