Thursday, April 9, 2009

save a puppy plz!!!!

There I was walking to ballet class at 7am, he was sitting in front of this Punjabi house, outside of the gate to be more precise and looked at me sadly.

There I was walking home from ballet class at 8pm and there he was still lying outside of the same house but this time wet because it just rained.

On my way home, I saw a stray dog lying near the edge of the road and looking so worn out. I was so worried that he might get knocked by a car but I did not approach him because he was at the opposite road. BTW, usually on Thursday my friend will drive me back but don't know why I chose to walk today.

Anyway, so when I passed by the Punjabi house the puppy was still there and I don't know why I decided to kneel down and stretched my hands out, inviting him to approach me. He did and he was limping!! He came to me and the first thing he attacked was my hands, then he tried to attack my face!!!! Actually, what I meant by attack is licking. He could not stop licking. He hurt his front paw so he actually stood up on his hind legs and tried to reach my face.

I could not stand it so I patted and played with him for sometime. He was black, very furry, about few months old and still have yet to learn any command yet because when I said sit, he looked at me and yearn for more patting sessions. LOL After playing with him for sometime, I know I got to get home so I left him sadly.

When I reached home, I related the incident to my mom and mom said bring him home if I want BUT Spritz won't like it and he is very possessive so I think Spritz might kill that pity guy so I decided not to take the risk. BUT I took some rice and went down to feed him because when I patted him, I could feel that he is VERY VERY skinny. So off I went with a mission =P

Saw him, and he ran (limped) towards me. It was a sad scene because he came and started licking then charged to the rice which I placed it beside the empty garden. He was practically gorging everything down and it made me felt so sad. Suddenly a car appeared and wanted to park at where he was eating so I moved the packet of rice and he moved along too. An Indian guy came out, late teens or early 20s, I assume is the son of that Punjabi house asked if I want the dog and our conversation went...

-You want the dog?
- Err, I can't coz I have a dog at home already...if I don't have I surely will take him home. How did he got attach to the house?
- He was walking around I think and I think got knocked by a car. He was just opposite my house and he cried so my mother gave him some water and since then he's here. It has been 3 days. You want you take la.
- Why won't the house owner take him in? (I didn't dare to assume he was staying in that house)
- Donno la.
-pause while I keep patting him-
- Where do you stay? Never see you before.
- Oh, I stay up there (pointing down the road). Erm , you go to Maluri school?
- Oh no, mine is at Bangsar. You?
- Oh, was from KB but now at uni already.
- Which uni? Where?
- Bukit Jalil.
- You a runer??
- Err, no. Why Bukit Jalil a lot of runner? (Stupid me, Bukit Jalil school id for athletes la!!! Stupid!!)
- Oh, nothing. Erm, how old are you??
- me...21....why?
- 21??!! You don't look like 21...
(blah blah blah...)
- Erm, you give me your number...and you take the dog la.
- Huh?? I can't la, ok, got to go...
- Eh....(paused)...catch you... (And he walked back home)
- OK, Bye.

My sister who accompanied me told me he's like trying to "court" me because he was moving too fast. OMG, my gosh!!! Hello, this is what making friends are sister has lots to learn..tsk tsk tsk (she is the type- you smile at me only I'll smile at you). My sister is so hopeless in making new friends. Sad for her.

This is the breed of the dog. Can someone tell me what breed is this? Anyone interested in getting that poor fellow? He's only a few months old, one of the front paw injured and is VERY VERY friendly and cute. Honestly, that Punjab family doesn't seem to like the dog so HELP HIM PLZ!!!!
See full size image

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