AIR Topic
PBL is VERY VERY stressful thanks to the dear faci who was a M97 batch, graduated in 2003 and he expectes a lot from us. Hello, this is our 1st week and he feels we should know everything. When he asked us about the passing marks, he was shocked. Then when he asked if anyone in our group resit before and when we replied none of us, he was O.O!! HUH??!! Really?? Wow...(silent) Ya, that was his reaction!! he is such a ......whatever .... PBL usually last 1.30 hours and with him, 2.30 hours also not enough and mind you within that 2.30 hours, we did not cover all our learning issues. He actually records the PBL session and yesterday when he went out to answer his phone, we complained but we forgot that he was recording!!! Gosh, hope everything will be fine by next week...*fingers cross*
AIR Topic is an essay that we need to write. The word limit was 300 and if you think "cheh, 300 only mah.." think again because we are writing about diseases and 300 words is so limited!!! Anyway, I've spend my whole 4 days thinking and wondering and trying to complete it but somehow I could not because I don't kow how to start and how to end. Gosh, I did not Study at all!!! I am so dead!! =(
Electives..haih...stupid HKL apparently did not receive any letter from me and when I called to ask for a place, she said it's full since February. Die la. So now, the whole process starts again =(
Just now, went and watched movie with Jayne and it was FOC because Jayne has the VVIP card =) Anyway, we watched "Passengers" acted by Anna Hathaway and it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow...
The storyline is nice but it was so..ok, it's supposed to be a thriller, then midway became romance then back to thriller and the movie ended with a twist. Gosh, thank god it was FOC..
OK, now I am actually pissed because the lecture I was supposed to attend is sort of cancelled. Gah!!! Wasted my $$, time and effort coming here =(
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