It isn't a secret anymore, my plan of not wanting to get married??
I would like to share my views and why I've come to this decision. Firstly, I would like to post some questions
1. Why must we female get tied down by commitments?
2. Why must we sacrifice all the things that we build just because of those commitments??
3. Why was us females ranked after the males?
4. Why must we females serve the males or should I rephrase~ why must a wife serve the husband and not the other way round?
5. Why must we females always be the victim of letting go of careers or other opportunities because of the commitments such as family, husband, in-laws...
6. Why must we females suffer the most when we did not do anything wrong? (rape cases)
7. Why is female always at the disadvantage in many situation??
8. Why when we females get married, it also means we get married to the family?
9. Why must we always tolerate the males?
10. Why we can't survive without guys meh?
11. Why some females really look forward to have a family and settle down?
12. Why do you want to add burden to your life?
13. Don't you feel guys are troublesome?
14. Don't you feel without getting married you can actually live life to the fullest?
14. Aren't you bored with the same person after living with them for 30 years?
15. Aren't you afraid of divorce?
16. Don't you think that you are at the losing end after getting married?
Okay, let me limit my question. Now, I'm sure you'll ask me back a few questions too. Let me guess.
1. Won't you feel lonely?
2. Won't you feel envy when you see a couple?
3. Err...I can't think of any now, so list them down and I'll answer back.
Firstly, I don't think I'll feel lonely because I have you guys aka friends. Imagine I visit you guys each week, of course different people each week lar. In the end, I'm occupied right? Let's say I'm old, then I'll just retire at a Retirement House aka old folks home. Lol
Feel envy when I see couples? So far never. Honest, I swear!! Maybe because I've heard too many couple problems that i can actually see their problems in one glance. happily ever after....
I never believe in it even when I was small. I always feel there's a catch behind it. And maybe that's how my character was shaped.
I never want to get unnecessary commitments that stops me from progressing in life and live life to the fullest. In short, I do not want to add burden to my life. Say I'm selfish, say I am a bad apple to the society, say I'm a coward, I don't really bother because it's my life and I know what I want for my future--A world without getting tied down to a man.
If I really manage to be a Doctor, I'll dedicate my whole life in healing, helping people. I rather tie myself down to human beingS that need me than to a guy who wants me to serve him. Say what? What if the guy is different and do not need me to serve? I will never believe in it because I feel that guys will forever possess that certain ego and that mentality of "female are born to serve male".
About my bold, large headlines....
Because some parents are just neglect their children's mental and emotion growth. They just provide the material side but not the essential LOVE. So if you plan to have kids, you need to prioritize what is more important- career or the future of your child? If you choose career, then WHY MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS?? If you choose child, then WHY BOTHER TO BUILD YOUR CAREER IF YOU NEED TO LET IT GO IN THE END??
Now you see my side of story?? lol
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
in short u dont like guys. you're somehow prejudiced against them i dont know why. i personally believe that males and females are equal in this society..
no doubt that in majority of ppl's mind, males are more superior than females...i beg to differ. its only stupid male chauvinists that think they can have control over women.. the hell you can!!
women these days have been given equal chance to advance as well as the men. it is up to them to take that chance to move forward. its just like what we learn. survival of the fittest. getting married is not about getting tied up to something until you have no complete freedom although, yes there are things which you have to restrain from doing because of the fact that your married.
getting married or being in a relationship is one of the phases in life which you have to go through. its not a burden or anything its just something you need to accept and adapt bio. i personally believe that one day when you actually ARE married (yes i very strongly believe) you read what you wrote today and have a big laugh over this post..
everyone has commitments not only us females. what you think males got no commitments especially when it comes to marriage?? they have their own we have our own. we sacrifice because we are the more sensitive side (some guys can be really insensitive!) rather than the egoistic men.
about why wives have to serve husbands? well sometimes its something to do do with religion and culture la. its in everyone that it just has to be like that. not to me also because in a marriage its about both sides contributing to the relationship in every way, be it cooking, washing, taking care of children etc.
some of the questions i cannot answer them myself. like the rape cases. yes some nutjobs are really fucking perverts but you cannot deny the fact that at times the female contributes to it or sometimes its just plain bad luck.
most of the questions u ask, its just there for years and years that women are the "easier to bully" ppl. society, culture and religion all contributes to that. so isn't it up to us, the next generation to change that instead of going to opposite way?
no its not that we cannot survive without man but doesnt mean u have to shun marriage away. no one said u have to tolerate the males. if they annoy u just snap back at them. yes guys can be troublesome at times.
Aren't you bored with the same person after living with them for 30 years?
Let me ask u back.
Aren't you bored living by urself for 30 odd years?? dont u dare say no because there will come a time that u will feel lonely. i'm serious.
divorce. its also another phase in life in which some unlucky people have to go through. what is there to be afrid of? yes it can be sad bad depressing but it comes together in the LIFE PACKAGE(like astro packages..haha). you seriously cant expect to be happy all the time even in a marriage. remember it takes 2 hands to clap so its what the 2 parties have done to lead to the divorce. its never only one persons fault.
have i answered all ur questions now? i'm not going to ask u questions about why this why that w, wont u this wont u that yada yada..
im just trying my best to change ur thinking..
WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! MJ, I'll soon have a longer comment. you wait! hahahaha
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