Hey hey, how is everyone? I am currently having a hectic week because every time I open my book to revise, some voice in my head will repeat ~~ I am going to fail my 1st test!! Yes, I am going nuts and this is only my 1st semester.
Currently there is a lot of clubs having freshie party and election. I will admit. I miss my school life in secondary school because I miss bossing people around and knowing that you have the power to make people do things. Since form 1, I was sort of the section leader in band and was the monitor in class. Form 2, I officially became the section leader and sort of the junior leader and still was the monitor. Then came to form 3, 4 and 5 where I held more and higher posts in various clubs and uniform bodies.
OK, maybe I am crazy of power, bossy and a control freak but all this were in secondary school!! In college I was not active in anything (since we spent almost everyday studying or attending class till 4pm). Now in university, looking at all my batch mates holding post in various club just make me feel jealous. I was a bossy control freak and now I am just a normal student without extra curriculum life aka NERD.
I want to get back to my active life where I go everywhere and will say HI to every single person I bump into. I miss those days where people just come up to me just to strike up a conversation. I miss those days where I can help the "naughty" students to escape their punishment. I miss making real important decisions. I miss those days where people just come up to me just to "bodek" (lick my shoes?) me. I miss being someone powerful.
Enough said, remember PBL session? Where we were given triggers or situation and we got to make hypothesis and come up with learning issues? Example...
Ms. Jay fell down and heard a crack. She can't move her knees. Our hypothesis are she has a fractured leg, she broke her spinal cord...learning issues are which spinal cord is connected to her knees, what bone is easily fractured...
You get what I mean? OK, back to the story. We are all suppose to come out with 8 learning issues or more and do our research on all 8 then present together. But my group did it differently. We divide all the learning issues so each person have a topic to present. YOU KNOW ME....I usually do all the learning issues and will add any extra info after the person present (OK, call me nerd but we ARE SUPPOSE TO DO ALL!!). So today, we had PBL session and I did my usual stuff. But one of my group mate make it a big issue and a few started calling me professor Jene. The moment I heard that "compliment", that voice came again!! I WILL FAIL MY 1ST EXAM!!!! AAAhhhhh......
Anyway, Mr.Chan who has been our facilitator since the 1st PBL session is gonna leave us. We will surely miss him because he is funny is a way because he is sort of sarcastic and can you believe that he actually did the sweat sign with his 3 fingers( lll) when we come up with something really stupid? Next week onwards, all facilitators are switched and we got a real professor as our faci and apparently he is those strict serious type where we got to do all the learning issues and everyone got to present and talk about it at the same time. I don't know how are we gonna do it but since other groups did it, I guess we can manage too. What I pity is that one of my group mate who loves to joke around and come up with weird hypothesis will suffer. Weird hypothesis?? EXAMPLE...
Jack Sparrow (yes, this name was used) brushed his teeth everyday and noticed that his gums bled but the bleeding stopped after a while.
His hypothesis~~ He had french kiss and did it too hard...
We~~??? But everyday???
Him~~~ coz he did it everyday mar....
Yes, he is the one that made us laugh and enjoy our PBL session. And do you know that personality will never change(truth!!) till the day you die? So gals out there, don't ever believe it when a guy tells you that he will change for you...So, I wonder how will our PBL session next week will go on. Hehehe, we sort of got a plan....after we pretend that we finish our 1st PBL session, we will come back to the same room and still will delegate the topics. Before the second session where we got to present our learning issues, we will gather again and have our own PBL session and sort of rehearse. (SMART??? Muahahaha....SWT!!!)
Ok, so far so good...here it comes again....I WILL FAIL FAIL FAIL!!!!!
Yeah, take care and have a nice day and remember to drink lots of water and stay happy. Guess I got too much glucose from late lunch just now. Heheheh....
But then again....since when I give up on things easily??
No I wont fail any exam!!!!
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
5 weeks ago