Reporting for duty from university....
This morning, I catch the train to uni and while waiting for the oh-so-punctual train, I met up with Ronnie aka TURTLE!! Yup, another Taylorian, doing accounting. We were talking and all the while I keep avoiding his question, the usual question when you meet up with old friends---what are you studying now? After about half an hour, I finally let the cat out of the bag and he was surprised. It was all written on his face. Hence I asked what type of carrier I would choose based on his interpretation. After much hesitation and a lot of erm...he finally said- accounting. Why?? Because I have the money minded look(SWT).
But eventually the fact that I am in that course kind of sink in and I kept reminding him of the "IF I FAIL" phrase. Funnily he keep telling me that I'll not fail but he knows I am just an average student back in secondary school. AND, I have no idea what is his issue with the word FATE because when I told him my brother is in Taylors, he said fate will allow them to bump with each other. Then before he left, he mentioned that fate allowed us to meet and chat in the train. I wonder if he's looking for a wife or girlfriend named Fate. heheheh....
Today's lecture on stress was fun because the lecturer was once a high ranking post officer in the Ministry of Health. He likes sharing stories with us such as when he was elaborating on the level of stress from jail. He said that back in Ipoh, he met up with his friend who was a drug addict. So he asked what has he been doing and his reply was:
Oh, nothing much. I just got out from jail and might be going back again when I am needed.
When you are needed? Why so??
Oh, because the lower ranking officer will ask us to go to the Taiping jail when their boss (higher ranking police officer) complained why are there so many free drug addicts on the road.
Yup, so sometimes all those pictures in the newspaper where drug addicts were caught to be send to jail might be bogus (entered the jail on free will).
What is stress?? Stress is a change in the environment may it be caused by studies, family or even a baby. Stress can be a good thing and the usual bad thing. I wont elaborate much on the stress lecture but it's fun to know because I am having the symptoms now. If I could not cope with it, I'll enter exhaustion, illness and then break down. I guess recently all the thoughts of catching up with studies and manage my time really stressed me out. One thing leads to another and I end up blogging it out.
Honestly since young till before I started blogging, I never tell or share my problems with people including my best friends. I don't find it helpful instead I think it's a burden when you relate it to others. If I tell anyone about the problem, I'll be worried if that person will spread it and I'll end up in an embarrassment. That was before I knew how to blog. Now, via blogging, I tend to slowly let problems and feelings leak out in alphabets. It might be easier to convey my feelings and thoughts this way as i can shy away from how people react when they know about it.
Take the last post for an example. I was honestly surprised that Jing actually visited my blog and when she told me and explained some stuff that I misunderstood, I felt weird. Yes, it was awkward and funny but she did it for a good course. I am glad to say that things are better now and I am going to adapt to the environment or stress. Humans are a magnificent creature where they can learn to adapt to a new environment. I might take time but I know eventually, I'll get used to it or better still, found my own clique of friends. People out there who were worried for me, rest assured that I will adapt and change. And guess what, I might be able to join the Saturday's community service program because my ballet teacher allows me to join the late afternoon class (free work class).
**WH, hey sorry that I did not believe you when you say you can't make friends back in INTI. I totally understand it now. Sorry ya ^^ And I just found out that to come to my house from Taylors area, you need to travel by train for about 1 HOUR!!!! So touched le.... =P
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
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