Wednesday, April 9, 2008

tag again

Ultimate Top 8 Survey
Name Your Top 8
#1: Jian Wei
#2: Jayne
#3: Jay
#4: Mei jean
#5: Noel
#6: YP
#7: WH
#8: RG
Start With The Basics...
How long have you known 1?:since very very small..maybe at about 9 years old?
Where did you meet 2?:standard 5
has 3 met your parents?:NOPE!! LOL
have you ever been to 4's house?:Outside
when was the last time you talked to 5?:few eeks back..sms to be exact
is 6 really afraid of 7?:They don't know each other
is 8 online right now?:Nope
do 1 and 8 know each other?:Nope
would 7 and 2 get along if they met?:Actually 2 said she don't like

Of Your Top 8, who is the...
Funniest?:I would say JW
Most gangsta?:RG
Most likely to become U.S. President?:Jian Wei
Loudest?:Mei-Jean definitely!
Most likely to live the longest?:if i can predict the future
One who gets the best grades?:Jian wei
One You've known the longest?:Jian Wei or YP
One you met most recently?:Jian Wei
One that lives closest to you?:Mei Jean
Biggest Flirt?:Wan questions asked...LOL
Most Likely to end up with their own TV show?:Jay!!! He is in the Tv anyway
Most Athletic?:Noel

You could give one of your Top 8 a million dollars, who would it be?:Jayne coz she'll sure share half with me
You and your Top 8 were stranded on an island, who would you eat first?:I don't eat meat then...I'll be vegetarian
You and Your Top 8 go to the mall, who usually spends the most money?:Jay?? hahaha
You were arrested, who from your Top 8 would you call to bail you out?:Definitely Jayne
You and you Top 8 went out drinking, who would be the designated driver?:what if i don't drink?
Final Random Questions...
Could you handle working at the same job as 6 and 8?:No problem but RG would be...very long winded...
Could You Survive being roomates with1,3, 5, and 7?:YES!!!! How did u know i'll put all guys?? N JAY!!!!
which 2 people from your top 8 would make the best couple?:Noel n Jayne?
Have You ever celebrated New Years wth any of your Top 8?:err..does celebrating online count??
Do you think you will still be friends with 4 ten years from now?:Yes. I will make sure.
If 5 jumped off a bridge, would you follow?:this fella trained as life guard ok!!!
do you have any myspace pictures with 1 or 2?:Yup, actually both also I hv in my hp.
does 6 cut their wrists?:I hope not.
without looking do you know what place you are on 7's top friends?:where?? which site?
has 8 commented you in the past 3 days?:nope but 4 days ago..ya..
Do you think any of them will repost this?:most of them posted alrd...

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