Thursday, January 29, 2009

attractive me?

Went visiting my relatives when one of the auntie asked me about my trip back to Kedah.

Who would not be excited when you had the experience of crashing a motorcycle, had cactus thorns all over your hands then have a candle night dinner eating fresh seafood especially crabs!!! So I was maybe a little too hyper describing the trip when the auntie ended the conversation with

" You must have a lot of admirers because you are so attractive. "

I was .........huh?? Seriously, I did not expect that and so I asked why did she say so because how can she judge me by that short "speech" of mine.

"Because I can feel that burst of energy from you and you are a very happy person that can influence the people around you. Guys like that very much"

Oh ok.... I was stunned but too bad she predicted wrongly because I have no admirers and I am glad of it =)

Need some positive happy aura, find me at the right time and I'll charge you a special price LOL


Esther said...

hahaha, you know, i realised that one thing relatives would want to know is whether we're in a relationship or not... some asks directly, some don't... in my case, i just had to buat tak tahu when my aunties asked my mum...

but jene arr, you give a good vibe to people around you.. :) admirers got two types mah.. one is the direct type, the other is the secret type :P like me, i'm a direct admirer... you dance, yet study so hard and can teach summore.. so many things, i really wonder how you do it because i can't do what you do and to me, you're AWESOME! *hugs* :D

Anonymous said...

Yes coz they just can't wait to STOP GIVING you the ang pau LOL

I give a good vibe to people around me? Over rated le...
Hahaha, wah, direct admirer alert!!! Hahaha..

Esther dear, you just made my day by saying that =) Seriously, you can do it better than me too!! Look who's in cheerleading while I chickened out even though I wanted to join too!! You are awesome too!!!