Let me chill with some tags
From steven
Rules: 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
Starting time: 10.43pm
Name: Ng Hwei Jene
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: 5
Height: 15_cm
Where do you live: Kepong
Favourite drinks: Neslo
Favourite breakfast: Anything nice
Have you ever been on a plane: been on it, I think so, but couldn't recall when
Swam in the ocean: duh
Fallen asleep at school: school? never..but in uni once (feeling guilty)
Broken some one's heart: guess so
Fell off your chair: not yet
Saved e-mails: meaningful ones
What is your room like: like err...don't know how to describe
What's right beside you: a lot of stuff, my bro makes the place looks like a pig sty
What is the last thing you ate: milk + oat
Ever Had
Chicken pox: nope
Sore throat: duh
Stitches: nope
Broken nose: nope
Do you Believe in love at first sight: NEVER!!
Like picnics: yup
Who was/were the last person
You danced with: yuen liang
Last made you smile: noel
Today did you
Talk to someone you like: ya, my family, friends....
Kissed anyone: typed muaks
Get sick: I got sick with pharmacology!
Talk to an ex: sort of
Miss someone: nope
Eat: moments ago
Best feeling in the world: when you know you are appreciated
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yup
What's under your bed: another bed
Who do you really hate: annie tey? LOl no la, can't think of anyone right now
What time is it now: 10.49pm
Is there a person who is on your mind now: nope
Do you have any siblings: didn't I answer that just now?
Do you want children: No
Do you smile often: sort of
Do you like your hand-writing: sometimes but my best friend hates it..lol
Are your toe nails painted: only the 2 big toes
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: err...no preference
What color shirt are you wearing now: pink
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: i think in the library studying aka dreaming
When did you cry last: i donno
Are you a friendly person: think so, hope so
Do you have any pets: spritz
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: I don't know who is he...how would I know
Did you hold hands with the person who means anything to you now: nope
Do you sleep with the TV on: Nope
What are you doing right now: duh, who's typing all these now?
Have you ever crawled through a window: yup
Can you handle the truth: yup
Are you too forgiving: nope
Are you closer to your mother or father: Mom
Who was the last person you cried in front of: err...my best friend during secondary school?
How many people can you say you've really loved: err....
Do you eat healthy: I think the question should be, do I eat...lol
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: err..think so
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: nope
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: both
Are you confident: nope
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. learning to play the recorder
2. dancing ballet
3. learning piano
4. had a life
5. goes to the playground everyday with my playground friends
5 things on my to-do list
1. study
2. get A or pass EOS
3. get a life
4. pass my ballet exam
5. avoid my bad temper
5 snacks I enjoy
1. M&Ms
2. Asam
3. Pringles
4. Rocky
5. Bytes
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Donate to charity
2. Travel around the world
3. get a life
4. Learn a lot of stuff
5. sponsors my relatives in their studies
5 of my bad habits
1. bad temper
2. judgemental
3. impatient
4. think too much
5. lazy
5 places I have lived in
1. Kepong
Thats it, never stayed at anywhere else b4
5 jobs I've had
1. secondary school teacher
2. receptionist
3. tuition teacher
4. student
5. maid of my house
From teddy
1. Name a friend according to the alphabet
2. Answer the questions based on the person
3. Tag 5 people
A. Alicia Thooi
1. Do you love this person : a close friend
2. Is this person your enemy : NO!!
3. Would you kiss this person: err....
B. Brian
1. What do you really think of this person? : Nice guy :)
2. What's his favorite colour : I don't really know..black?
3. Ever danced with them? : nope
1. Do you have a crush on this person : hahahaha...no
2. Have you ever had a crush on them? : whats with this person then them?
3. How old is he? : 20
D. Daniel Sim
1. How long have you known him/ her? : almost 2 years?
2. Biggest regret : err....
3. Do you hate this person? : nope
E. Edmund Tan
1. Have you met his/her parents? : Nope
2. Worst thing about this person? : very very loud
3. Best thing about this person : very fun to be with
F. Federick
1. Have you ever dated this person : nope
2. When is the next time you will see him/her? : I have no idea
3. Do you go to school with them? : High school, yes
G. Goloka
1. Is he/she a good listener? : Should be
2. Have you lied to this person to make this person feel better? : Nope
3. Is this person good looking? : YES!!!
H. Huang Hin
1. What grade are they in? : apa grade?
2. Is he/she your friend? : junior to be precise
3. Ever done something illegal with this person? : err..no
I. Izyan
1. What is this person's favorite food : she eats almost everything that is nice
2. How did you meet this person? : college mate
3. Do you trust him/her : yup
J. Jacq
1. Do they have any siblings? : Yes
2. Do you know their favorite song? : she loves a lot of nice songs
3. What would you do if they confessed they liked you? : ERRR??!!! Hahahahaha.....I like u too!!!
K. Karam
1. How old were you when you first met : 18
2. How did you meet : college
3. Ever danced with this person? : nope...NOT YET!! Karam, lets dance!!
L. lim Gian Huang
1. What would you do if you had a crush on this person : do nothing, he has lots of gf
2. Do you like him/her as a friend? : ok la
3. Would you go Disneyland with this person : Why not?
M. Mei Jean
1. Is this person older than you? : nope
2. Is this person single : you tell me...warren?LOL
3. How many times do you talk to them in a week? : now? very seldom
O. Ooi Fang Yi
1. Are you related : Nope
2. Could you live with this person : Should be ok
3. What school they go to : don't know, lost contact with her
P. Paul
1. Have you ever been to a mall with this person? : think so
2. How about a sleepover with them? at genting
3. Does this person have a job? : Medical student lol
Q. Quah
1. Does this person drink alcohol: think so
2. Have you seen this person dance : nope but I know she goes clubbing frequently
3. What does he/she likes? Not sure
R. Ray Mun
1. Have you heard this person sing? : yes
2. Do you think this person will repost this? don't get you...what weird questions are u asking..you stupid ah?
3. When does this person looks best? : err....when he is himself?
S. Seng Fung
1. Is this person taller than you? : yes
2. Do you enjoy spending time with him/ her : ok gua, haven't really spend time together
3. Do they live close to you : he's at penang
T. Tatsuki
1. Would you do anything for him/her? : err, depends
2. Have you been to his/ her house? : Nope
3. Where does he/ she live? : Ampang, near KLCC
U. Ung zai
1. Is this person in a relationship? : i'm not sure
2. When is the last time you saw him/ her : when is the last time? Wah, grammar so powderful ah? Last seen him was during secondary school
3. What colour hair does this person have : Brownish but I think he has gold hair now
V. Victor Ng
1. Does this person have a crush on you? : Nope
2. Would you hug this person? : sure, he's my little bro
3. Is this person your friend? : duh
W. wan hoe
1. Is this person loud or quiet? : depends
2. Describe this person : emo...LOL....he's a nice guy
3. What colour eyes does this person have : dark brown
X. Xiao Wen
1. Why are you friends with him/her? : uni mate
2. Have you gone anywhere with them? : around IMU
3. What is one thing you would change about them : err..donno
Y. Yee Ping
1. Does this person wear make-up? : definitely, she's a beautician le..don't play play
2. Does this person play instruments? : trumpet
3. What is their favorite sport? : she's not a sporty type of person
Z. Zia
1. Does this person have msn? think so
2. Have you ever made out with this person? : EEUUWWW!!!!
3. When will you see this person next? : hmm, next week when lecture starts
I tag...
Mei jean
wan hoe
do it or not, it doesn't really matter...no mood....
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
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