Thursday, July 29, 2010

Match make me 2

Before I blab about the match making annoyance, let me shout:


Jon and I went and watch on Tuesday and that day was not a good day because work was starting to stress me up since the staff who has been guiding me is leaving on that day!!
Anyway, the movie was so good that I was gasping a lot of time and really felt the suspense!! It has been a long time since I have such feelings. Wow, I really want to watch the second time. But surprisingly, I could follow the movie closely and I understand what was happening because if you don't concentrate (like Jon), you'll get lost in the middle of the movie because they travel in dreams and within dreams. So if you watch, don't zone out!!

Well, after trying to avoid that staff's eye for the past few days, she finally came up and came to my cubicle. She asked more questions about me such as
-Where do I stay
-How many siblings do I have
-Where am I going next year (when she heard that I'm going to UK, she was so happy and keep saying "ngam ngam" =.="')
-What are my parent's occupation etc


Anyway, she asked me if I've added him in Facebook so I told her the truth, well sort of the truth.
"Oh sorry, something is wrong with my Streamyx so I can't online."
Then she asked me if the guy added me, then will I know and what happens if I don't accept him soon (I think she's worried that the friend request will disappear or something...which I hope it can) then she said don't know if her sister told his son already or not or something about told him already but something (couldn't bother listening because I am busy and my whole table is full with files and documents to sort and batch).

Lesson learnt.

You got to be cruel and mean to cut the story short if you are not interested in the match making procession.
Quote: Jene aka me

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