On my 1st day, the staff that introduced me to the surrounding told me I can surf the internet but not into sites like facebook so on my 3rd day of work, I was so bored so I practically was reading all sorts of news from Yahoo!! I even got to know about Megan Fox's news before it was announced in radio LOL!!!
Anyway, at 2ish pm, another staff (lower ranking) told me I cannot surf internet whenever I like and my boss (an AGM lady) have been looking at me quite a few times when she pass by my place. Oh ya, I sit at a very strategic place. All AGM, CEO and high ranking people need to pass by my cubicle to get to their office BUT the computer faces inwards so I won't really notice them (but they can see what I am doing) LOL.
So after that only did I realise why that AGM suddenly on that day keep asking me to do stuff for her (she was absent on my 1st day) like photocopy this, send the document to XX floor. Hehehe, cool right?? Reading blogs right in front of her nose!! HAHA (sorry, my bad but I really have nothing to do!!)
The staff that was kind enough to tell me gave me this 2009 file to check so I end up checking it til 5.25pm when that AGM called me to photocopy another document then send it to the 9th floor. By the time I came back it was 5.40pm (OT! OT!) and I got to rush for 7pm ballet!!! Well, I guess I deserve it =P
On my 4th day, I was a good girl. I did not surf internet and I checked the files that was given to me on Tuesday (2010's file) and Wednesday (2009's file) 4 to 5 times!!! Just to fill up my 8 hours!!! So bored!! I yawned gazillion times but never fell asleep even though I really felt like it. Now, this is what I call gaji buta!! I don't like it at all!! And feeling useless now is as bad as feeling aimless before I started working.
I'll beg for work to do today. I.D.O.N.T.C.A.R.E!!
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
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