Day 1
The 1st class was 8am, briefing by the course coordinator but she did not turn up, causing 220 of us sitting in the lecture hall making noise. It's not like all of us know each other but somehow those who formed gang are now chatting and discussing about stuffs. By 9.15am, an India guy came in and started giving us lecture on first aid. It was very surface and basic then we were split into groups and followed our seniors to another hall.
These seniors are 1 semester ahead of us so most of them were my age and some are quite familiar looking. Ya, i want to emphasis, there is A LOT OF TAYLORS STUDENT in this batch. You go everywhere and people start to ask where were you from, you will get "I'm from Taylors." so sick of it honestly but I can see a lot of A46 or A47 people in the senior batch ^^
Anyway, the 2 seniors that my group got were from Help (at last!) and they taught us first aid and they were not looking confident because they also did not have a lot of experience. I seize a chance to inquire about the test and they said we are the first batch having this test. Its a first aid test and it's in 2 hours time next week. I wonder what will they ask.
After the training, few of us went to the Atrium because there was noise and crowd. Food Fair!!! I was phobia because I just recovered from my viral gastroenteritis and I'm so afraid of getting diarrhoea. Anyway, walked around and look at the performance. Did I mention that this is a small world? It's like everyone you eventually know knows someone you know. It's just sometimes so creepy. Later we had a meet the seniors session.
Bad news. No ragging. Our orientation will be very mild in ragging and the orientation will last for 3 weeks since our seniors are having their exam now. Anyway, we were put into groups and after that everything was so lame and bored. My group members are so quiet that made me quiet and uninterested in anything. Anyhow, we got to name ourselves, create 1 long and 1 short cheer, make a flag, make a lot of stuff. So after selecting the leader, everyone went to silent mode again and the OO (orientation officers) were the one talking. OOs are the seniors that guide and help us.
By the time I reached home, it was 8.15pm and I fell asleep by 9pm. DEad TiRed.
Boring Day again? Started off with the original briefing yesterday. We were told and explained about our course and assessment. Fail once, resit. Fail twice and you're OUT. Next was another briefing by the Dean of Medical Science. It was almost the same like the previous briefing hence it was making me sleepy. I wonder how was other taking it because the whole hall was quiet until she said, yup that's all. The moment she said that, it was like a cue to wake up and everyone went back to normal mode and started making noise.
Some had library orientation and stuff like that but I had nothing till 3.45pm. It was only 10am then. In the end, I found a few other friends and we explored IMU and went to the museum. It was kinda cool and cold. There was life preserved organs and foetus and stuff like that. Body parts to play with and lots of tumour to look at. Later, when the orientation which last for 1 hour ended, we were joined by others and had lunch. Honestly food is the way to make friends. Instantly all of us clicked and chat non-stop.
Anyway, by 12.30pm some of us have orientation group meeting so we split again and left with 3 of us- alethea, me and shiao yin. Both dentist and I was the odd one. We wanted to go to the student's lounge but it was packed with seniors and the TV and very comfortable cool sofa was also occupied so we went searching and found a place. It was kind of secluded and cozy. There was a few sofa at level 2 where the Dean's rooms are and 3 of us had fun chatting and sleeping. Yup, we were all so tired so we nap. Imagine surviving in campus for 12 hours. Gosh, thats why I was dead tired on the 1st day.
At 3.45pm, we had our first aid training again and this time I don't know why, maybe I had rest, I was sporting again and chat a lot with others. I had fun this time. After the training, all of us were asked to stay back and the seniors told us some of us were ragged by seniors and they were sad and angry of it and asked us to tell if it was repeated again. They really take this very seriously and the senior who was speaking was a little emotional that he said "SCREWED THEM!!" in the mike when he told us if it was repeated.
After the training and small gathering, I had my group meeting and this time all of us had fun discussing. There's this section called "prince of wild" where a guy will represent us to perform. Chan, dentistry suddenly stood up and volunteered. Our group's theme is----jeng jeng jeng---- Mosquito in ballet. Hahaha, how fun is that? Alethea's group is asparagus in clubbing. Weird but fun stuff. Anyway, my group members(half) are staying around the campus and they decided to make the flag tonight and here I am smsing the leader asking for the progression. i want to stay back and help but no transport back so anyway, the leader said it was ok and we were chatting random things.
Ya, one more thing. BAND RULES!!! I was surprised myself when I knew it too. There's 22 of us in the group but only 16 stayed today and in that 16, while discussing about our cheer I found out there was 4 band members!!! 2 from Ipoh and 1 from Singapore (4 because add me) and we can form a band since the 2 Ipohrians plays the woodwind (1 clarinet-lame guy, 1 saxophone) then the one that studied in Singapore plays percussion. I play The TRumpet!!!!! Yeah!!!! And 1 OO dances ballet and 2 other gals too so there will be 4 gals teaching Chan ballet but we need to choreograph a dance for mosquito.
Interesting? So far, it's starting to be^^ (and I made a lot of friends too)
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
5 weeks ago
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