Friday was Treasure Hunt, my most favourite activity of all in Orientation and SURPRISINGLY 15 turned up!!! Yes, freaking 15!!! And we had lots of fun!!! I loved it even though there were no ragging or whatsoever, and the games and people involved were GREAT!!!!
1st station--the macha wannabe gang--commander crawl on mud + egg+ paint and use mouth pick up the ping pong ball in the mud. Yes, those brainless people still went on with the game even after learning bout parasite and bacteria but it was fun and they were nice. DUH...most of the Indians involved were those bullied badly last orientation. But we had great fun and happy ^^ (actually all of us OO were scared when we saw them at first because we thought we'll get ragged badly..LOL) We just end up muddy and smelly and those who wore shorts had small cuts.
2nd station--Indian Gals from our batch--blindfold and balance a sponge on the head while one of us give instructions, next person take the sponge when the blindfolded person reach a point, duck walk to a place and fill up a bottle. The game was actually fun but some of the station master people spoiled the fun. But, I was OK with them. They just shoot water at us and put paint on our face/shirt.
3rd station--Jon, Jade, Jo Ann and Wei Phin's station--shave 2 balloons with a small shaver. It was OK but the fact that Wei Phin was there make it NOT FUN (joking). It was Ok but we lost so end up one of our junior turned into JOKER. Flour all over his face, lipstick to make his mouth and he really looked like Joker, seriously!! Apparently Wei Phin asked one of the junior to do something to me but nothing happened and Wei Phin told that junior " do **** to Hui Ling..." What a PBL mate to forget my name. I am so gonna shoot him and make life difficult for him during PBL because I know he don't really search for all the learning issues..hehehe...
4th station--dancing gang--those 3 that think they are ugly step out, next pull another 3 that are ugly out. Of course I volunteered (dun since when I say I am not ugly..LOL), end up playing Jay Jay and Rudy's Yes, No, mm, ah game. Of course lost. LOL
5th station--Jun Hua and Teddy's Crusaider Club--Answer some questions regarding HIV and the answer is written on something. Our 1st answer was saliva (question--HIV can't be transmitted via?) and the word saliva was written on an egg. EGG!!!! I went crazy and volunteered to let one of my juniors crack the egg on my head. HE WAS SO BODOH!!!!!!!! Hahahaha....he took the head and hit on my head hoping my head is hard enough to crack the egg, happily he hit my head with the egg and end up all of us laughing coz the egg was NOT cracked but my head HURTS!!! funny!!!! Ya, had the egg on my head then we got to search 2 pieces od papers (clues) in a container filled with flour and all of got to search for it without using our hand. Hence we blew and blew AND BLEW and end up looking like Geishas. The bodoh guy who cracked the egg aka joker was so Good!!!! He blew like the wolf who tried to blow the pig's house down and he was soo GOOD!!! hahahahaha, I just couldn't stop laughing because it was just down right FUNNY!!! hahahahaha.....Jun Hua aka our group OO was happy to hear our cheer because we were great. Team spirit RULES!!!!
6th station--another more senior gang--This station was FUNNY!! We were asked volunteer 1 bridegroom, 1 bride, 1 bride's maid, 1 best man and a priest. The other gals were asked to pour green sticky yucky stuff on the hair while us OOs pour those same yucky greeny slimy "mucous" on their slippers. I think those disgusting stuffs are starch. Anyway, after pronouncing them husband and wife, he made us draw organs on 2 guys. Next, we got to dance cha cha down the stairs and shout (LOL) Param is Gay. Hahahaha, Param is one of our junior, a Punjab from Aussie. Why him? Blame his mouth..Hahahahaha....Btw, the station master said our cheer was the BEST SO FAR!!!! Wooooo~~~~~
Overall, we did great and bonded well, real well. The only thing that pissed me off was some of the OOs. The few gals OOs are just pure "Gals/Sissy/Bimbos"!!! Seriously, they keep talking, stalling us, complain, whine etc. So irritating and one of them had the nerves to say "faster la, you guys so slow!!" And she was the last person walking behind!!!!! The whole journey, what did she contributed? Err....NOTHING besides making us slow. Every single station, I joined in and got dirty and they were so clean!!! This other bimbo was so irritating because she brought her oh-so-important bag and asked me to carry. If it was a knapsack I don't mind at all but it was a sling bag and so hard to run with it you know. You bring, you carry but Noooo, can you help me carry please and off she went trying to "bond" with the juniors. So ISH!!! Got more but haih, whatever la, I know they joined because they want to know the cute guys.
Apparently group 7 to 12 had to face the 2 notorious macha gang where they actually used curry powder and raw fish. Like usual, asked the guys to take off their shirt and dumped it in the raw fish+ donno-what-smelly water then wear it again. So sad...lucky us ^^
Signature Hunt
We have a list of senior's signature to get and I don't understand the other OOs who stays in Vista aka apartments opposite uni. The juniors finished their class by 12.30, we have class at 2.45 so bring the juniors for signature hunt la!!!! They need at least one OO and what were all the other OOs doing? I don't want to know, trying to not raise my blood pressure here. Anyway, went and search for the juniors after I reached uni, brought them and hunted for signature. Actually it was fun because I got to know the sem3 seniors better and they are all nice people ^^
Telematch this morning was FUN!!!!! Threesome really was threesome because only 3 juniors turned up and I have no idea what made us so enthu. We actually won 4 out of 6 stations and our cheer was REALLY LOUD!!! Actually 4 juniors turned up, 1 was late. There was 4 OOs too so Threesome had 8 people, compared to the other groups which had at least 10 juniors excluding OOs.
Before the station games started, OOs VS juniors--caterpillar walk up the hill and DUH of course we OOs won!! LOL
1st station--transfer chairs from one end to another without touching the floor and we were GREAT because even thought we had only 4 juniors we won and was way quicker than the other group which had almost 17 people. Yeah Threesome!!!
2nd station--we had to roll dice and each number represent a food to eat. There were
1. choc powder + raw egg
2. yogurt + garlic + onion
3. raw chopped onions
4. raw vegetable
5. raw vegetable + raw bitter gourd
After finishing the food assigned to us, we had to drink coffee too. YUCK!! I had the onions and it was gross...eeuuww....when I burped still can smell the oniony smell....eeuuwww...anyway we WON!!!
3rd station--duck walk, blow balloon til it burst, last person commander crawl. Sounds easy? The catch was--balloon was so hard to blow, very slippery and it was soaked in chilly water. YUP, so it was hot!!!! We lost but we had fun ^^
4th station--Impulse--station master flip a coin, if it is heads u squeeze the behind person's hand and that person will squeeze the next person hand...last person got to pick up a sponge before the next team does. The catch is, you might be too excited and accidentally squeeze your friend's hand hence sending a wrong impulse. We lost here too.
5th station--walk on 2 bricks to the other end+ 3 legged walk + helicopter turns. 8 person played this game so 4 on each side and repeat the same thing. We WON!!!!! We were GREAT!!!!! LOL
6th station--Arm destructor--the whole group got to do push ups and accumulate them till 400. The opponent group had LOTS of people but we 8 actually finished first and without any other seniors help. Meaning 8 of us managed to accumulate 400 push ups faster than the other team which had more people. More people means each of them can do less and not end up tired. 8 of us just ROCKS!!!!!!
7th station--baking session--There were about 8 pieces of newspapers on the ground and each newspaper had flour/curry powder/butter etc on it. Since we were the last group, all the curry powder on the newspaper, flour, butter were dried up so it was only the seniors pouring onto our head or putting it on us. It was OK la....LOL
Next was cheer. Not cheer fight, just cheer and rest but end up we sem2 seniors went crazy and keep shouting our batch cheer "MEDT bang bang bang" so the committee members asked all batch to gather and present to the juniors our batch cheer for IMU Cup. We actually did not have any batch cheer besides that short cheer so we end up incorporating Bombshell's cheer and presented to them. LOL.
Then it was handball game (seniors VS juniors) and those that did not take part just rested under the trees hence we seniors who also didn't join took water balloons and ambushed them. Izyan and I well, targeted on you-know-who. It was so funny because our 1st attempt failed miserably. We threw the water balloon on him and it BOUNCED off and hit the was doink....splashed. When it splashed of course Paul escaped. Second attempt failed too but not that bad because the balloon burst in our hands when we started throwing at him. It was just so FUNNY!!! hahahahaha.....BUT during photo taking session, someone passed a packet of flour to me so YUP, Paul got it!! Hahahaha, revenge for the revenge he made.
Anyway, the angry part for this telematch was, SOME OO was so free to sleep instead of joining us and even dare to wake up, bid us goodbye then continue to sleep. WHAT THE!!!! I actually sacrificed my 1pm-7pm ballet class and mind you each class I missed cost me RM35!!!! So I lost out RM70!!!! Grrr...but honestly it was really worth it and that latecomer was really someone I did not expect to see---one of the Malay guy. You see, all this orientation activities clashes with their praying time so most of the time they won't join us so he coming was WOW!! Yeah!!
I stayed overnight at Izyan's place again after Treasure Hunt because there weren't enough OOs for telematch. All of us (the group and OOs) had supper till 12 something am then Gaik Si (Izyan's house mate also one of the OO) gatal, went and called a few people (Alex, Elaine, Jian Loong and Shu Yi) to stay over and watch Ju-On and they were so scared. Seriously, I don't think they actually watched it because most of the time they were either closing their eyes, turning away or take a pillow to cover their face. I think I was too tired till no feel. LOL
Anyway, this week has been a great week for me except that I am extremely tired and I haven't been studying. Mock exam is on 15th September and I am so dead!!! I am really proud of my group now and so happy for them. So glad that we managed to get our team spirit and members to join the activities and had so much fun together!!! Next week will be the things I don't fancy--Dress code, Variety night--where we got to perform and make a sketch or dance or something. BUT I am the OO, so I guess it won't be that bad unless my group screw it up again. LOL
PS: During Treasure Hunt, whatever dirt/butter/flour on me, some went to Paul. LOL. Izyan and I even went hunting for flour and pour on his shirt and hair. During telematch, more flour and we used our water balloon on him. Hahaha, I know we were bad but we 3 had FUN pouring flour on each other and chasing each other with watever dirt we have. LOL. Ya, someone asked Paul if Karam and I are dating and I wonder who is that person. Paul has mosquito brain when it comes to remembering senior's name =( Honestly, of Karam and I dating, we would be...laughing non-stop the whole time but maybe will act like usual..talking and laughing....I have to admit I like Karam's company but not that type of like...LOL
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