Pathology Basis of Disease
Instead of spending RM180 on this book, I rather get fat by going to buffetSSSSS!!! Hence, I went on a trip down to Kamal (a medical book supplier shop) at KL to get the same book for RM159. YES, RM21 difference!!!!
Kamal is a weird book shop because in front of the shop is like a sundry shop, full with food and sweets and drinks. Another few more steps in, there you go, a mountain full of books and mind you they do not have filing system!!! I spent almost half an hour searching for 1 book and ya, got help from a guy who I guess is a future doctor. LOL
Alright, let me get to the point. There is a friend who is my uni mate who has been getting on my nerves hence I have been avoiding that person and try to not let that person irritate me. This person, lets name A is actually nice and friendly and all but A just makes me feel annoyed and makes me want to treat A badly. A even mentioned to me that I have been mean to A and I guess A get the hint that I don't really like some stuff that A does. But the problem is, A will never change because this is A and I am not worth changing for anyway. ARGH!!! I don't know what I am typing here but the bottom line is, A is making me treating A badly and that makes me feel bad.
Studies have been going down the hill for me. I could not focus anymore and I am wasting my time effortlessly!! AND I am kind happy because I lost weight. Remember I said I've put on almost 3kg? Now I am losing it and Hehehehe...if this go on, I'll be in MY ideal weight. Friends in uni have been making me having meals and they even threatened to make this a resolution for this semester. Yik Jing, I am going to stick to the plan where I bring cereals and milk to uni and eat with you guys for lunch OK^^ Mother finally bought the brand I love. Cereals and milk for lunch is healthy and cheap and the price of food in cafeteria is getting out of hand, even Reza is eating 2 dishes and this 2 dishes are meatless aka vegetarian. (Do you know what is a mock vegetarian dish? Beats me, saw this sign in the cafeteria.)
JON!!! JAC!!! How's SG so far??
MJ!!! VIC!!! How's Monash so far??
KARAM!!!! I MISS YOU!!! send me more emails!!!!
ALE!!! When are you leaving?!! Got to meet you b4 you fly off!!!
JIAN WEI!!! hahahaha, how I recognised you from up there? Because you are....tell you when I meet you....when is our date??!!! Don't you dare fly to US without our date!!!
I miss all of you and can't wait for Nov/Dec...HOLIDAY together!!!! Ya, remind me to pass the VB T-shirts to you WH.
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