After a while, he gave up and more birds/sparrows/crows came visiting to our house. I have no idea how crows would be interested in bird seeds but I am assuming there is no food around hence they are starting to adapt to bird seeds OR they are preying on the small cute birdies. Anyway, Spritz in the morning or afternoon would laze around especially when the weather is now so cooling. BUT after my mother and bird seeds is associated, he has been busy chasing the birds/ sparrows away. He would be lying down on the floor enjoying his nap when he hears a chirp, he'll wake up and will be so wide awake scanning the porch and attacking any intruders.
Compare that big green hulk and a rat, who can run (fly in this case) faster? DUH!! Birds can fly and Spritz can bark so who is the winner after a game of catch and fly? WE ANNOUNCED BIRDIES!!!! Its just so fun starring at how he retreat to us in a sad look when the birdies fly away and leave him with nothing.
Unfortunately, crows are something he does not attack. He would not bother when they are around. To him, they are like i-don-know-and-i-don't-care!!! I really don't understand because when ever a black fellow (no offence) be it Indian or Malay, he'll bark like no tomorrow and you can see how his stomach contract and dilate..all the effort and energy wasted when they are here just to put in some flyers or give us our electricity bill....Haih, hate crows!!!!
But I love Spritz!!!
***Jac and Jon...MISS YOU GUYS!!!! Have fun there k?!
***MJ and Vic....have fun in Monash too!!!
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