Okay, I just finished reading Victor's blog and suddenly I got the mood to blog more bout HELP.
Orientation was the day I was so scared because this ain't secondary school where everyone knew me and I can join any clique of friends. But when the orientation ended only I saw MJ and Ivan and how relieved I was.
First day of A Level was the 8am Bio class and there MJ was sitting and dear Jac later 1 seat away from us. That was the starting point of our friendship. I later even asked Jon(if you remembered) if he was from SK band because he looked like SK band's drum major but when I heard that he was from Jit Sin..BAND!!! But unfortunately he said he was not from the band.
Next was Chem class where Edmund and Sailesh were happily chatting away and leaving us impression that they were old friends. Then only I saw Ivan and the next classmate that left me a deep impression was Karam because when he said he's from St.John, straight away St.John band was in my mind but sadly he was also not from the band.
Next was Maths and Futher Maths class where Mdm.Lin was so fierce and strict!! Jac and I sticked together but eventually we got along with everyone in class because most of them were from Chem class. Ya, Kelly the Ipoh gal turned her head and introduced herself with her right hand sticking out waiting for a hand shake just even before my butt was on the chair. LOL
in random order
Jac- I guess I was closer with you compared to other gals because you were one gal that was so quiet and make people around you feel like it's there responsibility to protect you, not forgetting you were the cutest gal!! You always were so mysterious and so secretive especially when it comes to your family. And you always surprise me with the things you tell me and the things I read from your blog. I am grateful that I did take that initiative to talk to you ^^ Please keep in touch!!
Karam- This guy I guess was the one I can clique most, the one that gave me all the happy crazy aura, the one that always open my mind to politics and all those stuff. I guess we can clique so well because we were having the same subject combination and we sort of have the same stamina for studies. LOL I am so gonna miss his laughter, sadly he sort of changed a little after his boo boo....I hope he'll stay strong in Aussie all alone...
MJ- I am not gonna be so evil and label you as loudspeaker or stuff like that. MJ, is MJ. There is no one that can replace her place. She treats people in her way. I guess annoying people is her way to express her friendship. Deep down inside MJ, is a sensitive gal that is trying to mask her way out in world by being the way she is today. Hahaha, don't emo la....
Jon- Is someone I thought was quiet and you know, nerdy and anti-social and BOY I was wrong!! Jon is so full with sarcasm and warmth that I glad I got to find out. I am so happy to be able to know the true Jon and change my impression of this tall curly hair guy. I still prefer your curly hair la!! you look so cute with it!!! (I can see him rolling his eyes...lol) [Thanks for ur pressie...hihihhi ^^]
Kelly- Is one gal that opened my eyes to long distance relationship. Sadly it did not last as long as I expected. Anyway, this gal is so full with energy and always so motherly. I am glad that I was one of her close friends....happy that we are still keeping in touch ^^
Victor (bio)-This one guy, is so erm...so...funny? Hahaha, I guess Vic and I ain't that close till he reveal his real self like how he treats karam and MJ. Between Vic and I, he is still so polite...maybe this is his way of treating a gal?? I donno but I hope there is more time to let me know him since he is still in KL.
Victor Ng-This guy I guess is the blurrest and funniest and weirdest guy ever.I guess the thing that made us bond was our birth date. Ya, we share the same birthday but he was born 1 year after me. LOL....gosh the blurrest guy ever!!!
Shannon-This gal, so quiet too at first but when you get to know her...wow, how much she wants to tell and express!! It was nice knowing her and the only time I could spend with her was in Chem class coz she dropped F.Maths....anyway, I am glad that I got a chance to know her!!
Alvint-The longest eye lashes guy ever!! This one guy is so prevert!! I mean the things he like to relate when he opens his mouth!! But he is a nice guy, very gentleman indeed!! I'll miss his big bear hugs!!
Bryan-Tall guy!! Yup, thats always in my mind when I see him. This is also quite a gentleman in a way and the 1st thing I know about him before I got to know him was that he has a hate list and I remembered Edmund asking Kelly if he is in it. OMG so funny!!! Hahahaha!! Bryan is just so bryan if you get what I mean. The 1st time meeting him, people started to label him as arrogant and stuff like that but actually, he's a real nice guy.
Edmund-Now, this I can say LOUD!! Just now in the car, he was blasting his radio and practically making all of us shout while he being himself, talking as loudly as ever. He is so you know and yes he is you know but he is nice...very talkative for sure coz he pissed me off before in chem class when Ms.Ng was lecturing. Gosh, he just could not be quiet and go on and on with his donno wat topic but well he is himself...talkative. period.
Sailesh-Unreliable!!!! Really hmph!!!! But well, he is also another guy who loves to brag but I guess he is a nice guy too....well to me....lol
CK-He was just labeled as anti-social by Edmund but you know, he is actually a very nice guy. We sort of got closer in sem 1 or sem2 but I know he is a real nice guy. He is not anti-social, he is just like this due to some pass bad history......ya....
Malcolm-This guy...err....no comment!!
Ivan-I remembered the whole F.Maths class hating him and always discussing how to tell him off because of the words he choose when he talks. Well, he is OK I guess...lol. Was never close in secondary school nor in college.
Veyny-Err, was not close but I think she's nice too...
Tatsuki-Butt hair!!! hahahahaha.....being with Tatsuki really open your eyes to A LOT of things and well, he is just being himself, a very curious one. LOL
Alicia-This gal ah, we have lots of mutual friends and I even had her cousin as my neighbour but I never really really hung out with her. I don't really really know her but well, she is one funny and nice gal...lol
Izyan-CUTE!!! Yes, Izzy being cute and so funny and so not kakak like even though she's one year older than us. Gosh, just observing her, you can see so much, yes MUCH of facial expression...lol
Aminda-OMG, I adore her!! I was well, emo and after hanging out with her...POOF* emo-ness GONE!! She is so crazy and wacky and WOW!!!! Really hope I'll get more friends like her around me to ake me happy all the time. The positive vibe she exert....really wow....
Paul-Hmm.......the pic he jump and pose just came into my mind...LOL.....funny, crazy and err....hahahahahaha....couldn't take that pic out of my head...LOL
Jo Yee-Wah, this gal....geng la!!! Smart and so sophisticated....cream also muz cover whole body....hahaha...well, this is a gal her bf should not let go. I remembered having breakfast with her on the 1st week of bio class. I still don remember if she's local or she's from Negeri Sembilan. I donno why N9 but ya...talk about breakfast, she always complain hungry and wants break from Mr.Low...hahaha
Mei Kay, Pick Yew, Michelle, Divya and Neha- I did not hang out with them much but I think they are nice people too ^^
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
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