Saturday, June 12, 2010

Little things in May and June

So how was life for me for the past few months. Easy to tell you.

5.45am - Leave house to KTM station
7.05am - Reach Uni
7.25am - Enter library
7.30am - Start studying
(8.00am - Attend lecture
10.30am - Enter library to continue studying) Before 20th May
10pm - Leave uni and head to LRT station
11.15pm - Reach home
12.45pm - Sleep

Told you it's easy to tell you. So I can tell you, my whole 2.5 years in IMU is spent in the library. Sad right? Not really actually because it's at the library that I got to meet new friends.

BTW, I have a LRT club and a sem3 weird but kind, nice, sweet guy is the president. Our club consist of 4 library furniture crazy students. Haha =P

Oh ya, I managed to donate blood on 16th May at Maha Vihara temple =)

On 27th May (Wesak day), I went and did volunteer work. My shift started from 10.30pm to 2.30am so I went to uni and study like usual but left at 9pm instead. I was assigned to register the volunteers and distribute the T-shirts to them. Those "seniors" who have been doing the same work for the past few years were so panicky. I mean, they were like so disorganised and they still dare tell me that they have been volunteering there for a long time so can call them sifu. Nah, very badly organised. Would rather call my sis sifu. LOL

So thats all for now. Will keep you updated =P

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