Firstly, KTM has new trains!!! Noticed I said new but not more because I do not know whether they add trains then disposed the old ones or what. Just now went home and was sort of shock when I entered the train. Very blue seats and its all in 1 row, each side facing each other and guess what, there was air freshener smell. Haha, no more BO or sweaty smell from passengers. But it was slow like usual. I have noticed too that at certain points of the railway track, the train stops and power failure occurs. If I did not remember wrongly from SPM, the trains use those wires to get electricity and if the wire is too long, lots of energy is converted to heat and that is not economical. So the wire has a certain standard length to reduce energy wastage. Hence, I made a hypothesis that the train fails to get electricity at the end points of each wire and thus power failure occurred. CRAPPING.....
Anyway, my new neighbour that just moved in last month and made lots of renovation during DEC AND JAN (exam month!!!) adopted a wild kitten. Its so cute and the fur is so soft!! How I know? Well, when it first came (still wild and haven got adopted yet), I called it and pet it at the gate. Now, Spritz noticed it's existence and like what dogs do- BARK at that poor innocent kitten. Worst, that dumb dog barks at it when I wake him up unintentionally in the early morning. What to do, I need to get to the train station before 6.20am. Yes, I do love dogs but I love kittens first. I actually hated dogs because I was bitten by my uncle's dog when I was small. Since then, dogie phobia. But somehow, Spritz cure that phobia and I love all animals. I actually dream to have a Tarantula as my pet one day ^^
Classes now a days are getting more and more interesting. The first few weeks were like lullaby to me, totally wasting my time trying to stay awake instead of focusing on what's the lecture all about. Anyway, I have been coming home early and YEAH!!! Guess what, instead of studying or reading back the lecture notes, I go to my room and sleep. Yes, HWEI JENE HAS NOT BEEN STUDYING AT ALL!! Trust me in this because I am really telling the truth!!!
Besides that, I have been pigging myself out. Yes, I know you know I have big stomach and big appetite and I have been controlling it since I was getting wider (you know what I mean). But recently I really have been eating a lot and the hunger pang starts at 9 something in the middle of lecture. I can eat a plate of economical rice with lots and lots of dishes (Gosh, can you believe it, I am actually eating rice!!!) then wafer (peanut butter and choc is the best..yummy) then some other stuff. I mean, I have been avoiding rice and fats and things that make me gain adipose since years ago and this sudden change of environment made me change my eating habits. You may blame the coldness of the campus or stress or whatever it is but I AM GETTING FAT!!!
Since entering A Level, I have not been under the sun hence I got fairer. Ever since I entered Uni, I got darker and I am as dark as in secondary school. Worst, my hands are peeling and it's like a type of skin disease, patches of white...reminds me of our medium plate culturing our baby bacterias. Remember how we draw pictures on the cover and name them? I remember mine was trumpets and music notes!! Paul's was turtles from Terengganu!! time!!
After having my branch, I went up to the computer lab to print some lecture notes when suddenly...
Ash: Zjon!!!
Me: Yes...hey, I did not see you guys there...
Ash: Come...
Me: Ooo, whose blog is that?
Ash: Come see lar (smile)
Computer screen was showing some lots of words and background was black...
Me: That is not mine right??
Ash: Yes it is...
Me: No it's is!! Argh!!
Heart pounding fast and was shocked.
How did they find my blog? Its like everyone in this whole world is visiting here for fun. I mean, I don't mind people visiting but its the not-knowing-who-are-you-reading-this is the scary part. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can come here, browse through then decides to kill me for fun. He 'll browse through all my old blogs including my 1st blog then find out where I stay, my schedule, my personal experience and then KILL!!!! Muahahaha....its just me exaggerating again. Welcome welcome, whoever you are who is reading...but at least drop something in the chat box ok?
My group mates are going to Mid Valley for our anniversary dinner. Today's date is the same date as our 1st meeting as a group members and we'll be having this anniversary dinner every month. Well, this is the plan but I do not know how long will it last.
Problems that I face
1. If I go, who will take care of my sis?
---Brother because he said he'll be staying home finishing his assignment.
2. If I go, I'll be sitting the train back alone again and might meet crazy people(OH NO!!).
---Bro said he'll fetch me from mid valley.
3. This is a weekday and I never went out before!!
---Bro said:
then go laaa
Its better to socialise than not knowing anyone or anything
(I am now chatting with my brother through msn ^^)
4. I haven't start studying yet!!!
---No one can help me in this!!
5. I need to ask permission from my dad
---I have the feeling he'll say no.
So now,
and whether dad will say yes, you can go.
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
2 weeks ago
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