There I was teaching for 3 hours straight because my ballet teachers were busy with their own holiday, my mother came in and helped me close up the ballet school. The next thing I know, I was in the cinema watching Bolt.
Before I go on ranting about some stuff, let me just say that if you love dog/cat/hamster, you'll love this show. John Travolta is the voice of Bolt and he's just awesome (I mean John, not the dog). Anyway, the show was nice, typical Walt Disney show =)
There was this kid who was shouting stuff like "he'll put that bomb there", "he'll jump over that bridge", "wah, he .....". I couldn't stand it so after 10 minutes of that boy being excited, I SHHHHH loudly yet he continued with his "he'll do this do that talk" so my mother turned and stared at the boy who I assumed was sitting at the row behind us and SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH longer and louder. That made his mother settle him down. (ABOUT TIME!!!!)
At the last 20 minutes, a baby started crying. There was this part where it was supposed to be emotional or touching because dog meets owner and it was pin drop quiet when suddenly "WAAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!!" STUPID BLAAAARDY BABY!!!!!
Totally ruin my mood watching the movie la!!!
Lesson learned~~ never watch animated movies early OR DON'T GO METRO PRIMA KEPONG TO WATCH MOVIES!!!!! Hmph!!!!! Grrrrrrr
8 months ago
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