Monday, December 15, 2008

The day the earth stood still

File:The Day the Earth Stood Still.jpg
Just came back from watching this show with Van and Frog aka Yvonne. It's quite nice but many people said that it's not nice and stuff like that but for me it was like normal movies, not bad. Keanu Reeves was still with his stone face acting and what caught my attention was Jaden Smith (Will smith's son). He's just 10 years old yet he's so good!!! And so cute!! Hahaha

By watching this movie, it just dawn into me that most humans usually use force and violence to solve problems. It's like almost ALL movies that have aliens, will definitely have army butting in the scene and shooting their humans-think-cool-but-stupid-and-useless-to the-aliens missiles. Come on, if they can invade Earth, they definitely have weapons way powerful and advance than us!! Their mental and mind power is definitely greater than us weaklings.

Besides, why must the president be the "leader" and decide for mankind? In this movie, it was the President of US that decides to blast and shoot the aliens when he is not even in US!! Who is he to decide how to save the earth? Have you ever seen a movie where aliens invade and ALL presidents or our Agung sit down and decides whats best for Earth?? Even in this movie, Klaatu, the alien wanted to meet the head of human yet the President send his loyal secretary of defense (think of Ms.Rice)to decide everything.

Yes, the main moral behind this movie is shouting at us--SAVE THE EARTH!!!! So people, if you have yet to practice recycling you better start now. I wonder why can't our smart lovable respectable government make it a law for all of us to start recycling stuff?? Reminds me of our Form 1 poem,
The Dead Crow
He saw a dead crow
in a drain near the post office.
He saw an old man gasping for air
and a baby barely able to breath
in a crowded morning clinic.
The land is so rich,
Why should we suffer like this?

I want clean air for my grandchildren.
I want the damned fools to leave the forest alone.
I want the trees to grow,
the rivers run free,
and the earth covered with grass.
Let the politicians plan how we may live with dignity,
now and always.

A Samad Said

Ya, how I wish politicians are real human beings and not wolves in disguise under cutis. Some of the ways to save earth--Don't waste water, don't drive unnecessarily, compost, walk or cycle more often to places, stop smoking, stop using pesticides and insecticides, don't keep your lights or fan or computer on 24/7, use less air-cond, don't waste paper, print at both pages, plant more trees, use recycled paper, don't litter, recycle your cell phone and the list goes on...


I have been reading and reading and buying and buying more books. I am so crazy. Now I have to speed up my reading speed and cut down online time to finish the books before my lecture starts. More over there will be more outings and more movies to catch =)

I guess being with friends younger than me makes me return to my sweet 16 mind. After the show, I was caught talking about MORE Twilight stuff with Van. But I hereby declare that I am more of a Harry Potter Freak than a Twilight Freak. LOL. Enjoyed my day =)

PS: The kiss that I posted few days back is not extracted from any books. This is all I will say.

Next movie to catch is Beverly Hills Chihuahua on Friday with my ballet friends and teacher =)
File:Beverly hills chihuahua.jpg

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