Monday, November 17, 2008


Feelings is a strange and funny thing~~

Sounds familiar? Because the original lyric is coz love is a strange and funny thing....from S Club7 (Never Had A Dream Come True)...

I well always (like RG said )dwell in my past, in those "what if" memories, creating and imagining the things that will happen if I....which did not happen in reality....argh...too much time to think too much...

What if is a word I HATE most....because it means I am regretting it or doubting my already-made decision...what if...what if....what if....what if....what if....

Last night, to be more exact this morning after 12am, I had a new nick name--Angel Ng/ Angel Jene by my cousin brother. Reason, not suitable to be enclosed here because someone or SOME PEOPLE will kill me....

I hate that name, I actually loved to be call A_____ but not Angel...ish...he's such a lunatic but I'm loving his company and his big ego head and his oh-so-perasan attitude LOL and his gf is my school mate, one year older though =) Such a small world...
Bout him being a free loader, well, apparently my elder cousin brother was joking (so he said) and well....rumours are bad for me!!! Hahahahaha....

OK, this is just so random and for those who are sitting for exam, STUDY HARD!!!!

PS: It's sinking into me now, the fact that I passed my EOS2 =) with a __ grade...Hehehe

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