We need at least 200 oncologists but have only 39, says Liow
By LISA GOHKUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is currently facing an acute shortage of oncologists, said Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai.
He said the ideal ratio should be eight oncologists per one million people.
“So for Malaysia’s population of 26 million, we should have at least 200 oncologists, but we have only 39 at the moment.
“We are very, very short on oncologists,” he told reporters after opening the First Asia Pacific Conference on Healthy Policy and Planning yesterday.
He added that foreign oncologists had been brought in, but the numbers were still low.
It does not help that there are about 30,000 to 40,000 new cancer cases each year.
“According to the first National Cancer Registry report in 2002, Malaysia men and women have among the world’s highest rate of nasopharyngeal, laryngeal and cervical cancers,” he said.
Liow added the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated 7.6 million people died of cancer in 2005 and that another 84 million people will die from cancer in the next 10 years.
To deal with the problem, Liow said that more oncologists needed to be trained.
“The Health Ministry is also finalising a National Cancer Management Blueprint for the period of 2008 to 2015 which will streamline the fight against cancer. I will have to brief the Cabinet first.
“With this blueprint, our vision is that by 2025, cancer will no longer be a public health problem in Malaysia,” he said.
He added that the Ministry was in the process of building a National Cancer Institute in Putrajaya under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
“This will be a national referral centre for cancer in the same manner as the National Heart Institute is for heart diseases,” he said.
Oh, oncologist....How did I end up in the course? Because Wann Huei suggested to me Psychiatry when I told him the things I like to do. Why not take the easy route and take up psychology? Well, I honestly don't know...
So here I am, considering what course to specialise when I myself know that I have many chances to fail in this coming 4 years. Yes be optimistic....
So, what is oncologist? Oncologists are physicians who study, diagnose, and treat cancerous tumors. They practice in hospitals and medical centers, university hospitals, and research organizations. To become certified as an oncologist, a candidate must first graduate from an accredited medical school before entering into training as a specialist (e.g., internist, pediatrician) and sub specialist (e.g., medical oncologist, pediatric oncologist-hematologist).
I suck in pathology, don't even know what to say and describe when they give me a picture full of cells like this:
I died TWICE in OSPE...lol but Teddy taught me to just write stuff like-focal, patchy, well differentiated, giant nucleated cell and stuff like that so I just put whatever was on my mind....ok enough bout exam.
Hehehehe, let me present to you my beloved, lunatic, egoistic, self absorbed cousin brother =)
I am serious when I say he perasan gila (self absorbed). Last night/wee hours in the morning while talking to him, I think he mentioned "of course la, I so good/handsome" billions of times..lol
I wonder if MJ will go Starbucks later, but anyway, will be spending the whole afternoon at Jusco, reading..I haven't decided yet..maybe papa patho...NOT!!!!
Birthday wishes!!!
Happy Birthday to dear Wan Hoe, dear Kok Hoe and dear Jo Yee!!! May all your dreams come true!!!
Never knew my band tutor was that mean!!! But thanks to him, Kok Hoe and I became closer and after 6 years (band exchange when I was in form2), we are still keeping in touch =)
HaPpY bIrtHdAy!!!!!
OK, better leave because movie starts at 10.45am . Toodles~~
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