Remember my PBL (problem based learning)? It's a session where 10 of us are put into a group for the whole semester and we will be given cases to study, to do research, to learn about it then present and discuss about it. Semester 1 was 1 case in 2 weeks but this semester, it was 1 case per week. So it was really hectic because there was so much to know, so much to find out, so much to discuss.
Anyway, after the semester, each of us will be given an evaluation form where we evaluate ourselves and our group member's. And this was what I received together with my result slip today =)
What I am really proud of, is I got all 5 over 5 (except 1 on cognitive skills) by my facilitator and well, 4 . something by my group members. Wow, seriously proud of myself now =)
I don't know why but I just sent an email to my A Level's Chemistry lecturer informing her that I survived my 1st year of med school. LOL
The feeling of receiving the result today was not as fun/exciting/nerve breaking as A Level where the whole class catch the shuttle bus together, reach the main campus together, walked to the Atrium and collect the result slip together. Everything was shared, the emotions, the encouragements, the moral supports, the exchange of you'll-do-well-don't-worry phrases...
Remember Karam, how you'll run to one corner and look at your result first then only join the gang? Hilarious man you =)
In IMU, we walked to the MPH (multi purpose hall) at about 10am, singly or together with friends that came to collect at the same time (some did not bother collecting because they were waiting for the email). Then we tear open the slip, looked at the result, smile/shout/hug then bid goodbye and head home.
I miss those days at HELP!!!!
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